Monday, October 29, 2012

The Glass Rooster Cannery...

Glass Rooster
A few weeks back I stopped at the Glass Rooster Home Cannery on one of my grocery shopping outings. I had passed the Cannery many times over the past few years and just never took the time to stop. Shame on me! It was definitely not what I had expected it to be at all. I had pictured a store filled with jars and jars of preserved foods for sale, and found a rare hidden gem instead. It is actually a Licensed Kitchen with a clean, inviting facility for novice and experienced cooks interested in storing a safe food supply efficiently from home grown sources.

I was greeted by Jeannie who was preparing for an Appetizer class, yet she graciously took the time to talk with me and answer my many questions. After explaining what the Cannery offers in the way

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Eat..Pray..Love..& Groceries...

Last night I watched the movie "Eat..Pray..Love" with Julia Roberts, who by the way is a beautiful actress. I hadn't seen the movie for quite some time and I was exhausted after a long day in the kitchen tweaking a bread recipe to meet my own personal tastes, and I needed a break. Needless to say every loaf  I had made went into the trash. They were either too moist, to brown, or collapsed while baking.

There is a saying that goes... "Don't believe everything you hear"...well the same could be said for everything you read! How can you print a cook book and leave out important information

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gingerbread cake made gluten free...

Hi all. I have made the gluten free version of this gingerbread cake recipe several times now, tweaking it as I went, to make sure it was something "ALL" ginger lovers would enjoy before sharing the recipe. This makes a 8x8 inch pan and serves 9 generously. It is light, moist

Friday, October 19, 2012

One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days where you had a million things to do and didn't know where to start? Today is such a day for me.

 I am in the mist of decorating our second bedroom as I found a beautiful watercolor print at our local Goodwill store and just had to have it! It is loaded with shades of green, grape, fuchs's and yellows in every different shade. I finally narrowed it down to selecting the colors for the walls after much deliberation.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sun Flour Mills Sugar Cookie review...

It has been awhile since I have reviewed any of Sun Flour Mills products and since I still had a few of their products on hand, compliments of the company, I decided to make some sugar cookies this evening. Christmas is right around the corner and I like to get a jump start on what cookies I will be making for my holiday trays. Since this will be my first year being totally gluten free I need

Monday, October 15, 2012

Plea to women everywhere to have breast exams....

Another sleepless night of many this past week, and so I find myself on the computer once again in the wee hours of the morning.( I threw that "wee" in there as I recently found out my family tree starts in Scotland)  I recently returned from a week of visiting family and find that I have not slept through the night since my return. What was suppose to be a fun visit has turned into many stressful days and nights...

If you have read my profile you will know a little of why I actually started this blog and my wheat free journey. For those of you who are new readers let me tell you my story.

Two years ago during my yearly mammogram they found a dark spot in the back of my right breast. I have been on a two year watch which not only entailed my yearly mammogram, but also a sonogram every six months to make sure there were no changes. Combining what was suppose to be my last sonogram to check up on this situation, and a short family visit, has turned into something just short of a nightmare.

I was excited to be at the end of this waiting period and to get a good report and finally put this behind me and move on....I had no doubt in my mind that everything was going to be okay as I lay on the exam table waiting for the results of the reading. This is how the situation panned out.

Technician: " Okay. Your next scheduled mammogram will be in April. We will send you a reminder in the mail and at that time he wants to have another sonogram done".

Me: " I thought this was the last sonogram needed as it is the end of the 2 year watch? Was something wrong, was there a change in the spot?"

Technician: " Well he thinks possibly there may have been a slight change from the past results, or it could just be a technical issue".

Me: " So your saying it has gotten bigger?"

Technician: " Well he thinks it might be a slight change of maybe 1-2 centimeters, or it could just be a  technical issue. If he thought it was serious he would have ordered a biopsy today".

WHAT THE HECK does that mean???? Now this I know from personal experience that 1-2 centimeters is not something to just overlook as I have a 5 centimeter cyst on my right kidney and know that it is about the size of a lime. So 1-2 centimeters to me IS a big deal!!!

I also feel that if it WAS a technical issue that another sonogram should have been taken then and there to rule out that possibility. This is my LIFE you are talking about!

Needless to say that after the initial shock has finally worn off I will be on the phone with my OB this morning with my concerns and complaints, as I feel this was not handled very well on the professional end of this matter.

I am still stunned in the fact that I was left to walk out the door wondering if I now have a growth inside me that might be becoming a serious issue and was just left ignored like I didn't matter. Maybe I am over reacting...maybe everything is okay...I just want to know!

I urge you women out there to please get your scheduled mammogram. The spot in my breast would not have been found without my having my routine checkup, as I physically felt no lump because it is so far back in the breast. Life is to precious to take chances!

As my profile reads.... I hope this blog will encourage you to take control of your life and live it as it was intended....To it's fullest! I want to be the kind of woman that when my feet hit the ground each morning , the devil says, "OH CRAP, SHE'S UP"! Prayerfully God will give me many more of such days...

I will keep you posted on any new results I hear.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gillians GF Fusilli pasta product review...

Last night we tried Gillian's Fusilli for dinner with our favorite pasta sauce. I was very pleased with the way the pasta cooked as well as the taste. This pasta is made with  brown rice pasta and is not only free of wheat and gluten's, but also egg free. It is also sodium, fat free and cholesterol free.

Brown rice is the least processed form of rice. It has the bran layer, which gives this pasta a slightly chewier texture. It is tan in color and has a slight nut like flavor. Brown rice grains are also higher in fiber and nutritional content such as oils, vitamin B's and important minerals than those of white rice.

The texture was great and I really enjoyed the flavor of the noodles. I found it to be the perfect texture when cooked and not mushy like some brands I have tried.

Gillian's facility is dedicated to a gluten and wheat free environment. Their site offers many recipes and information about their products and is easy to maneuver on. Their products include Gluten free rolls, onion rolls, sandwich bread, pasta's, bread crumbs, flours, and wheat/gluten free mixes such as brownie mix, cinnamon bread mix and pizza dough mix. They also offer pre-made cookie doughs in Chocolate Chip and Sugar Cookie.

I would recommend this pasta to those who are looking for a great firm hearty tasting pasta that holds sauces well. It also bakes well so it can even be used in casseroles. You will find several of their pasta products at the Gluten Free Mall on this blog or you can visit their site at Gillians Foods

Rating: 4 3/4 Stars

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Castle TV series...

Hi all. I decided to take a break today from product reviews, baking, and everything wheat/gluten free and just share my thoughts. Everyone needs a break now and then where we can just "shut down" life as we know it, and jog off into a land filled with intrigue and love. Dirty diapers, dinner, cleaning, and yes even baking, now take the back seat as we immerse ourselves into the characters lives.

The TV series Castle is this place for me. I have seen many movies in which Nathan Fillion has played, but this series is my fave. When I can't be home to watch the show it is being taped so I can watch it later. I have watched this series every week from the start, intrigued by each and every adventure they are on.

I love how Castle and Kate Becket's feelings for each other have evolved from the very beginning and I have waited perched on the edge of my seat each week to see if this would be the moment they would connect. FINALLY!!! If you are a fan you know what I mean...Right?

I can associate with Castle in the fact that he plays a writer on the show, as this has always been a dream of mine. I am in the process of completing a novel which has been on hold for years now as I need the funds to travel and finish my research, but have not been able to do so to date.

I can relate to the character of Kate as she is doing exactly in life that which she wants to do. I have always been told that "You can't do that" and have always just settled for what I could do! I have had many dreams throughout the years and it seems that each one got kicked to the curb somehow or other.

In my late 20's I finished school with my Managers Degree in Hairstyling, married and started raising a family, so my career was put on hold. Being a stay at home mom I decided to pursue my other passion, that of writing. I decided to take a home writing course for children's books only to be told after submitting my first lesson with my chosen topic being that of a spelling bee, that spelling bee's were basically non existent, and I needed to find a different topic....Funny how the movie Spelling Bee came out many years later!!! Needless to say that ended that phase of my life, so a stay at home mom I was, once again putting my dreams on hold.

A few moments each week of living through someone else eyes I now see life differently. Although I am intrigued by Castle and Kate Becket's characters, if only for a few brief minutes each week, I realize I have been truly blessed in life even while putting my own desires on hold. Maybe my novel will never come to fruition, and owning my own styling salon might no longer be on the table. Yet I look at my children and see the determined, strong headed, compassionate individuals they have become and  I see parts of myself in them. If I had not been a stay at home mom I wonder if they would have turned out differently. I witness daily the love they have for their own children and the desire they have for them to be all that they can be as they grow into unique individuals. Quite like Castle who in the series as a father, wants for his daughter. As parents we all seem to have this in common.

We all have dreams, some come true, some not. Our challenge is whether we let them defeat us or whether we move forward and create new ones. I have no dreams at the present moment but each waking morning brings with it new adventures to be conquered, new sights to see, new recipes to try, new friends and new journeys.

A friend recently sent me a email which at the bottom had this small note..."I want to be the kind of woman that when my feet hit the ground each morning , the devil says, "OH CRAP, SHE'S UP"! ! Maybe I always have been that kind of women and it just took until now to realize it, dreams or no dreams.....


Friday, September 28, 2012

Second 'Bread" try...

Good afternoon all. Today is definitely a Autumn kind of day and I could not think of a better way to spend it than inside baking bread. This is my first attempt of the day and as soon as I get the results, whether good or bad, I will be starting experimenting on my second loaf. If this loaf turns out to be what I have been hopefully tweaking it to be, I will make a second loaf of  which I promise to take pictures of and post, along with the recipe for you all to try and enjoy.

I have no idea why I am so obsessed with baking bread lately but I know that I am on a path that will have no end until I find the recipe that will produce the perfect loaf that I have been craving. There are weeds in my flower garden that need pulled, wall painting to finish, and even clothes to wash, but I find myself drawn to the kitchen more and more.

If the truth be told I only have one load of clothes to wash, and the wall painting is not at the top of the list of things to do because we very seldom have visitors as we do most of the traveling when we want to see family. So I guess I have no rhyme or reason to my baking madness other than I want a great loaf of bread!

This is now my husbands fifth week of going gluten free and I have to say I am very proud of him. He actually seems to be enjoying it and keeps looking for new things to try. Not bad for a Italian man who was raised on pasta and bread!

Well the timer is going off so its back to the kitchen. I will let you know later how the recipe turned out. Until then have a great wheat free day, and take time to enjoy the crisp Autumn air...


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ramblings of a bread making maniac...CONTEST.

This post is just ramblings of the past few days and the "bread' attempts that have mostly gone into the trash. I wonder if my Garbage Collector thinks a new family has moved in with all the extra trash he has had to collect lately...chuckle...chuckle...

All I can say is that I am determined to develop that PERFECT loaf of soft, moist, tender, bendable substance, that one calls bread! I think my legs are about to buckle from all the extra time I have spent in my kitchen these past few days and my back is locked into a upright position, but  I press on. I am obsessed it seem! I have reached the point where I am tired of spending upwards of $6.00 or more for what resembles more of  a glued together lump of sawdust, or having to purchase expensive mixes that have tasted pretty good for the most part, but are "not quite there".

My husband is about to question my sanity to say the least at this point! I guess as long as I feed him he will be okay. So on I press. Not only have I become obsessed with bread but also a great cupcake recipe (future contest). I love using rice flours and so my search continues.

If you have a bread recipe you would love to share I hope you will enter the contest. Email me at with your recipe which must include brown rice flour as one of the ingredients to qualify.The chosen winner will win a  $25 Visa card. ( All recipes submitted must have been personally baked and tested by you) All entries will be tested for taste, texture and moistness, and a the winner's recipe and name will be posted on the blog. Have friends that are gluten free??? Invite them to enter, the more the merrier. The contest ends on October 30th and winner will be announced on or around November 30th depending on the number of entries received.

Good luck and let the baking begin!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rice & Raisins...and my new Bread Recipe...

Okay...go ahead and laugh if you must, but I love cooked rice with raisins while still warm from the pan , smothered in milk and sugar. This was a treat my mom use to cook up for my sister and I when it was close to grocery day. It is a comfort food for me when I am feeling down. It seems to put me in a melancholy state, and relax my mind.

Today was one of those days where I needed a lift so off to the store I went to buy my much needed raisins for this dish, as there was none in the house. I also decided to purchase my gluten free flours as I was down to zilch and only have four slices of bread left in the freezer.

Having what I thought was everything on my grocery list I returned home only to find that I had forgotten to purchase eggs, so the bread making is on hold until tomorrow as I have no ambition to leave my house for the rest of the day.

Since I like rice so much I guess that is why I really like the Bread Recipe that follows. It is made with rice flour mainly, has a nice texture, taste, and toasts great. It toasts up crisp with a slight crunch, and I love it slathered with butter and jam! It also makes great sandwiches as it is tender, moist, and does not fall apart. The rise of the dough is one of the best I have seen from previous recipes I have made in the past even has a DOUBLE rise...Because it browns almost immediately I suggest you let it brown for about 10 minutes them cover with foil for the remaining baking time. It makes a huge loaf and I like the fact that this is as fresh as it gets!

I can't remember where I saw the recipe but I do know that the baking time and temperature at which to bake the bread was missing from the recipe! I used the temperature and times that I have used for previous recipes and it came out perfect. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I do. Drop me a comment if you try the recipe, as I would love to hear your tips and suggestions!!

Have a great wheat free day!

 Rice Yeast Bread

2 Cups Brown rice flour
2/3 Cup Potato starch (not flour)
1/3 Cup Tapioca Flour
1/4 Cup sugar
3 1/2 teas. Xanthan gum
2/3 Cup dry milk powder
1 1/2 teas Salt
Mix all well in a large bowl and set aside.

1/2 Cup warm water
2 Teas sugar
1 1/2 T yeast
Mix water and sugar together until sugar dissolves. Add yeast and let set until yeast causes mixture to rise and foam.

1 1/4 Cup water
1/4 Cup butter or margarine
Put in pan and heat on low until butter melts.

3 Eggs
1 Teas vinegar
Beat eggs until foamy then add vinegar and mix well.

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Grease bottom and sides of a 9x5 loaf pan.

In large bowl blend the dry ingredients. Slowly add the butter and water mixture on low speed of mixer. Blend in the egg mixture, mixture should feel warm. Pour the yeast mixture into the ingredients and beat on high speed for two minutes until dough is climbing up beaters.

Place mixing bowl in a warm place covered with plastic wrap and a towel on top for approximately 1- 1 1/2 hours or until doubled in size.

Return to the mixer and beat dough down on high speed  for 3 full minutes.

Spoon the dough into a 9x5 greased loaf pan smoothing top with a wet spoon, cover with sprayed plastic wrap and let rise once again until double in size. Bake uncovered for 10 -15 minutes then cover with foil and bake for remaining baking time of 50-55 minutes.( I baked my loaf a total of 65 minutes from start to finish)

When loaf has finished baking turn out of pan onto a cooling rack. Wait at least 1 hour before slicing.

* I used all Bob's Red Mill flower and Xanthan gum products, Red Star active dry yeast, Carnation instant nonfat dry milk, and Country Crock margarine for this recipe.

This is one of the best home made recipes I have found to date and is really quite easy to make!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Dad's Gluten free Pizza crust..

Dad's gluten free pizza crust is one of those staples that is great to have in your freezer for quick supper ideas. It is not only wheat and gluten free, but also soy free, casein free, egg free, corn free, and has no preservatives. They are made in a gluten-free kitchen so that they can guarantee you a gluten-free product. They use only dedicated equipment to make their crusts, allow only gluten-free products in their kitchen, and gluten-free companies supply all of the ingredients.

The 10" crusts are Par-baked, vacuum sealed,  and ready to add your favorite sauce and toppings to and then bake. They freeze well also. Keep frozen and thaw before using, or keep in the refrigerator for up to ten days before using.

I found that to get the best results it is best to pre-bake the crust for 5-7 minutes, let cool, then add your favorite sauce and toppings and  finish baking. This crust was firm, chewy, and had a great taste. If you are new to gluten free you will find that most products have a different texture than their gluten laden competitors, but do not be discouraged, it just takes a little while to get use to the difference.

I served this with a salad for dinner and everyone enjoyed. I like having items like this on hand as it makes my life allot easier on those days when I am rushed for dinner ideas.

White rice flour, water, potato starch, potato flour, tapioca flour, sugar, canola oil, xanthan gum, salt and yeast.

Dad's Gluten Free specializes in pizza crusts and offers first time customers free shipping on their first pizza crust order. Just type in "Try One" in the code bar when placing a first order to try one of their crusts. They accept Pay Pal, MC, Amex, Discover and EChecks as payments making placing a order easy. You will find their product and information at Dad's Gluten Free Pizza Crusts

Rating 4 1/4 Stars


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Product review...Sheffa Foods Mediterrianean Salad Sprinkles

Hi all. First I must apologize to Sheffa Foods for taking so long to review this fantastic product, and to myself, as it a phenomenal product, and it is I who really was missing out!!! I received this product a while back and it seemed to have gotten pushed to the back of my cupboard and forgotten until today when it resurfaced as I was cleaning my cupboards.

I had some errands to run and on my way home decided to grab a side salad to go with my left over pasta from yesterday and also to try this product for review. All I have to say is... Oh My Goodness ...this salad topping was absolutely delicious. Now I have had almonds, and even walnuts or sunflower seeds on my salads in the past, but the blend of this mix leaves me at a loss for words, which is almost impossible to do! :) It added that extra little kick to my salad, and I felt good knowing I was getting added nutrients along with my fresh greens. I really enjoyed the crunch and flavor it added.

It is a whole natural mix which is Vegan, wheat free, gluten free, contains no MSG's, no Trans fats and no cholesterol. Nuts are loaded with nutrients, contain protein and fiber so they are a good food choice to add to your diet.

The Mediterranean Salad sprinkles contain:
Sunflower seeds, soybeans, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, spices and sea salt. Each nut and seed had its own unique flavor that lends to the mix.

The larger bags come in 7oz sizes and sell for $4.49 each on their . The company now offers a pre-measured 1 oz traveling size that sells for just $.99 that you can carry with you making for a quick healthy snack on its own, or for your own salad toppings.

Sheffa Foods also offers Snack mixes in four flavors, and four varieties of  Savory bars.  Although all Sheffa's products are gluten free they are produced in a facility that handles peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, corn, soybeans and oats, so if you have these allergies beware.

You can sprinkle these on your salads. Top your steamed or sauteed veggies, rice or other grains and pasta's with them. Sprinkle on baked or mashed potatoes, add to plain yogurt, or eat straight from the bag as a healthy snack. This is a definite must have for nut and seed lovers alike!

The company offers free shipping on orders of $65.00 or more in the US. There is also only a standard flat rate of $7.00 per order under that amount. Visa, MasterCard and pay pal are accepted forms of payment for orders from their site.

Rating 5 Stars

You can purchase the Mediterranean Salad Sprinkles and other products from their site at Sheffa Foods


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

XO Baking Co. Chocolate Buttercream Frosting...

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Mix – NEW!

Good morning all. Today my review is about a rich, creamy, chocolate buttercream icing from XO Baking Company. This is one of the best icings that I have sampled and reviewed to date, and it got great rave from family members.

It has a creamy, almost pudding like consistency, and excellent  taste. The flavor was not a overwhelming deep chocolate, but more of a milk chocolate flavor,  and iced well. Although I did not find it firm enough to make flower decorations on my cupcakes it did indeed spread well and maintain its shape.

The directions are quite simple using just  butter (or margarine) and hot water. The directions state using 2-3 Tablespoons of hot water but I suggest starting at just 1 Tablespoon and then adding 1/2 teaspoon increments until you reach your desired consistency, as once it becomes to creamy there is no turning back...The taste was excellent and the icing had a smooth silky texture. I would definitely purchase this icing again but would definitely add less water, as I personally prefer my icing slightly firmer.

The mix will yield about 2 cups of frosting which is enough to frost a one - 9" round layer cake or 20 cupcakes. I actually stretched mine to frost 24 cupcakes.

Confectioners sugar (sugar, cornstarch), Cocoa powder, Sea salt, Organic vanilla flavor. This product is manufactured in a dedicated gluten free facility that also uses soy and milk. The nice thing about XO products is that they contain no trans fats, are wheat free, gluten free and soy free. I also like the fact that the company offers FREE shipping on orders over $45.00 or more....With the price of gas these days I am all about saving!!!

You can find this icing and their other products on their site at XO Baking Co.

Rating: 5 Stars

Until next post....Have a great wheat free day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Product review...Namaste Chocolate Fudge Frosting mix

Hi all. I hope you are all enjoying the weather as the last weeks of Summer linger on. I had plans to work in my garden today and weed, but my plans changed as they seem to do quite frequently lately. It seems that this past month I have been away from the computer more than usual with all the family planned trips and I do apologize for not posting as frequent as I would have liked.

Today I would like to review a product from Namaste foods, their Chocolate Fudge frosting mix. I have reviewed several of Namaste's products and was excited to once again sample one of their products.

This mix calls for just 6 Tablespoons of margarine or butter and 3-4 Tablespoons of BOILING water....this is an important key factor. After initially  mixing these ingredients you MUST let the icing rest for 15 minutes to allow the high quality sugar to dissolve, then beat at high speed until smooth and creamy, or you will get a gritty tasting icing. The taste was deep chocolate and the icing decorated my cupcakes nicely. The only draw back is having to wait 15 minutes to "finish" the icing if you are in a hurry.

The icing bag also has a recipe for a Cherry Vanilla Cake on it which I hope to try at a future date around the holidays, along with a recipe for Choconut Cake and Coconut Fudge frosting using their products. The company has many other baking mixes along with Pasta dishes that all are made in a dedicated facility free of gluten, wheat, soy, corn, potato, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy and casein's.

Brown sugar, Dutch cocoa, rice milk powder, silicon dioxide (added to prevent caking) and salt.

You can purchase their line and view numerous recipes using their products at Namaste Foods. You can also find many of their products at your local grocery store.

Rating 4 1/2 Stars

As always...Have a great wheat free day!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Product review...Better Batter yellow cake mix

Hi all. It is good to finally be back home from all the family activities this past week and catch up on some much needed rest. It was so good to see family and celebrate my grandson's and great grand daughters birthdays but I must admit I felt as if I was the energizer bunny....constantly on the move.

Before I went to visit I had made cupcakes from a yellow cake mix that Better batter was kind enough to supply me with. I have to save they were truly a saving grace for me during my visit when all others were indulging in birthday cake. They were soft, moist and delicious. My grandson who just turned 8 even ate one after indulging in a slice of wheat laden birthday cake and didn't seem to notice the difference, as he ate every crumb!

This mix calls for water OR milk, oil, and eggs. The directions are as simple as can be and for all those at the party who ate one (yes, I shared), they were pleasantly surprised.

Sugar, rice flour, tapioca starch, brown rice flour, potato starch, potato flour, natural vanilla flavor, xanthan gum, pectin, sodium acid pyrophosphate, baking soda, salt, turmeric, monocalcium phosphate monohydrate.

Rating: 5 Stars (You can't argue with a 8 year old)

All in all I would say that these cupcakes are very close to the cupcakes of my yesteryear's. You can even make a lower fat Vegan version. ( directions on the box) You can purchase this cake mix along with their chocolate cake mix for $6.99 at the Allergy Free Kosher button to the right. Or you can visit their home site to order at Better Batter  for recipes and to check out their gluten free community. The mixes both sell for $7.50 on their site but if you wish to order the mixes from their "short date" list you can save even more...Decisions....decisions....

I have to say that since I have been so determined to not put one grain of gluten in my mouth anymore that my husband is now on board the gluten free train!!! He has been gluten free for two weeks now and he is really liking the changes in his body. No more stomachaches, and he has even lost some weight.

I hope you are all doing well on your journey also. Until next time....Have a great wheat free day!!!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gluten-Free Shopping guide...

Hi all. Well we are back from our trip to visit my husbands family and we had a great time. It is always hard to see all the family in such a short visit but we managed. Tomorrow I will be off on a week long trip to now visit my family. My grandson will be turning 8 and we will be celebrating on Saturday. Then it is off to a second birthday celebration Sunday as my oldest great grand child will be turning 4, where has all the time gone? husband bought me a Gluten-Free Grocery Shopping Guide by Madison & Madison when we were is the next best thing to sliced bread!!! I don't know how I have managed without it up until now. It definitely has made my life allot easier this past week. You can purchase the guide at With this book, you’ll get information about all of your favorite brands and gluten-free foods. The guide contains a list of over 45,000 food and drink items. Major food manufacturers like Heinz, Kraft, Del Monte and Frito Lay are all included. Also, the items from your favorite supermarket chains, like Albertsons, Hy-Vee, Kroger, Meijer, Publix, Safeway, Trader Joe’s, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Winn Dixie, Wegmans and more are listed. You’ll be able to quickly look up the information you need within seconds, all with this one handy, compact guide. I love it, and it has made my shopping so much easier as I am sure it will for you. If you are new to the world of eating wheat/gluten free this guide is a must have!

I have several more products that I will be reviewing when I get back from my trip but I wanted to let you know I will be away from the blog for a few days. I hope you all had a great holiday weekend with family and friends also. So until I return and post again....Have a great wheat free week!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Product review...Annies mac & cheese...

Hello once again. I hope you all had a great holiday weekend with friends and family. I had a blast! It was so comforting to be around those I love and catch up on new stories as well as old.

One of the things that also comforts me is a nice warm dish of mac & cheese. I remember growing up on the stuff, it was always a quick, easy, inexpensive meal. It has also always been a staple in my kitchen when my children were growing up, and even now.

Since going wheat/gluten free I have tried many gluten free varieties and have finally found one that meets my taste needs and it is microwavable to boot!!! Annie's Homegrown microwavable mac & cheese. I found mine at our local Meijers store and it cost a little over $5.00 for five single serving packets.

After my first attempt I found that adding a little more water than the directions called for was a quick fix for the dryness and clumping of the noodles . After my second attempt I found that by adding butter to the already cooked noodles before adding the cheese packet, not only made the finished product cheesy and delightfully pleasing, but also kept the cheese from clumping.

I have to admit that this is a great substitute for the microwavable mac & cheese cups I ate before becoming wheat/gluten free. If you do the division it is actually not anymore expensive either, considering it is a gluten free product.

I love the fact that I can still enjoy a comfort food which is tasty and quick for those days when I am frazzled or just to wore out to cook.

Rice pasta, (rice flour), Cheddar cheese (cultured pasteurized milk, salt, non-animal enzymes) whey, buttermilk, butter, non-GMO corn starch, sodium phosphate, annetto extract for color.
*Contains milk ingredients

Rating: 5 Stars 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Product review...Really Great Food Company's Rye bread mix...

Hi all. The weekend is here and I am almost ready for our family trip. I have my brownies and bread made, and my suitcase is almost packed. I have to finish up a few odds and ends and then  I will be done.

Before I leave for my trip I just had to take the time to tell you about this awesome bread mix I found from The Really Great Food Company. It is a Rye-Style bread mix and I have to say that although there is not a bit of rye flour in the mix  I could not tell the difference!!!

You can make the mix in a breadmaker or the oven and since I like to feel like Suzy Homemaker on occasion I made mine in the oven. Actually I am kind of a control freak when it comes to food these days if the truth be known ...  :-)

Although the recipe calls for eggs I used a egg substitute, and it came out perfect. It toasts to perfection and even a grilled cheese sandwich turned out great. I have to say that out of all the breads I have tried since going gluten free that this is at the very top of my list in texture and taste.

The company offers other bread mixes, as well as cookie and cake mixes, and I am anxious to try them all. If this mix is any indication of the quality of the others then I feel confident I will enjoy each and every one I try. The mixes are formulated by Chef Ann Sammartino who has a degree from the internationally renowned Johnson & Wales School of Culinary Arts. She also suffers from Celiac Disease so she is well tuned into the needs of others who must avoid gluten.

I really enjoyed the texture of the bread. It was dense enough for a good structure but moist enough so as not to be chewy. It rose and browned well, and as I mentioned before, the taste was as close to any of the rye breads on the market that are laden with wheat flour. This is  a real treat in a gluten free world.

White rice flour, potato starch flour, cornstarch, brown sugar, orange peel, caraway seeds, xanthan gum, salt. (Gluten free yeast packet is enclosed) You can view all their products at

Rating 5+ Stars

I hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend, so until next post....Have a great wheat free day!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Product review....Butterfly Bakery Mini Blueberry muffins...

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are having a pleasant summer with family and friends. It is sad to see that summer is almost over as it seemed to have passed so quickly! I am looking forward to the last holiday gathering of the season this weekend with family before the Autumn weather soon approaches.

During the cooler months nothing beats a warm cup of tea or coffee and a great muffin to end your evenings. Butterfly Bakery was kind enough to send me a package of their Mini Blueberry muffins to sample, and this morning I indulged in a few, or more...remember, I did say mini...

These are a great little muffin loaded with blueberries and taste, so just one was not enough.They are only 80 calories for a serving of two, with just 6g of sugars. Not bad if you are watching your sugar intake.

Although they are small they pack a punch of flavor. They are soft, moist, and filled with wild blueberries. Although the texture is a little more like a cupcake than most muffins I am use to eating, they satisified my taste buds fairly well. This would make a excellent dessert for a afternoon tea.

Not all of the bakery's products are gluten free but they do offer a selection in this area, along with some sugar free products as well. You can find out more about the different products they offer and the company at: Butterfly Bakery
100% Teff flour, sugar, eggs, water, soybean oil, wild blueberries, non fat milk powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, natural flavor, xanthan gum.

Rating 3 3/4 Stars

Have a great wheat free day!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Product review...Namaste Vanilla Cake Mix...

Hi all. I hope today is going well for you. I have been baking since early this morning trying new bread recipes, tweeking here and there with different flours, searching for that perfect blend. I have also decided to try a egg substitute as well when baking, as it seems I never have enough eggs in the house when most of my  recent "TRYS" have been dropped in the garbage pail...

I decided to try a Vanilla cake mix from Namaste today as we will be visiting my husbands family in Buffalo over the weekend and I need to be prepared with non wheat ladened items in tow for me to enjoy. There are always desserts galore lining the desert table when visiting and I refuse to be tempted!

This is the second time I have tried this particular cake mix from Namaste since I wasn't pleased with the first results thinking I must have done something wrong. So loaded with a few helpful tips from the company I decided to give it a try once more.

Since we will traveling over seven hours by car I thought it best to make cupcakes instead of a cake as they will travel slightly better. The mix makes 24 cupcakes, enough for traveling, and some for the freezer I thought. I followed the directions to the letter... The cupcakes rose quite well and had a wonderful scent while baking, same as the last time. I took them out of the oven when they were done and left them cool for over a hour. Since I hadn't been pleased with the way the previous batch had turned out I had decided to wait before mixing the icing packet they were also so kind to have sent, untill after I had sampled the results.

The cupcakes were soft and moist to the touch like most of the wheat laden cupcake mixes on the market. However the inside texture of the cake itself was a totally different story. They were moist, but almost had a elastic type texture when you tried to break a piece off. Although the flavor was spot on I just couldn't enjoy the texture in my mouth or the denceness.

This is the first cake mix I have used from this company and although the flavor was good I don't feel I would ever get a  "I can't believe this is gluten free" from anyone I might try to serve these to. They have more of a muffin/bread texture rather than a cake.

Maybe it's me....If you have had a better experience with this mix I would to hear from you. Maybe you can provide a tip or two for me as well as my readers.


Sweet brown rice flour, tapioca flour, brown sugar, evaporated cane juice, arrowroot flour, rice milk powder, baking soda, cream of tartar, salt, xanthan gum and ground vanilla bean.

Rating: 2 3/4 Stars

You can visit their home site at Namaste Foods

As always...Have a great wheat free day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Product review...XO Baking Co. Pancake & Waffle Mix...

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day! Not a day you would expect to have pancakes for breakfast, yet pancakes were on my mind...I recently received a GF Pancake & Waffle mix from XO Baking Co. and I have had a hankering for some soft tender cakes, and today was the day to indulge.

These pancakes were moist, tender, raised perfectly, and were quite tasty. Being that this was the first time I have tried any of the XO Baking products I was quite pleased. I am not the best pancake maker on the planet but I found that I did a fairly descent job this morning. Since I was the only one home for breakfast I had them all to myself!!!

XO Baking products are produced in a dedicated gluten free facility (manufactured in a facility that uses soy and milk). Along with being gluten free the products are also Kosher.  For those of you who live a Vegan lifestyle  XO Baking products also contain no milk or eggs, however they are not certified as Vegan. They are also 100% Trans fat free, and contain no artificial colors or flavors, using only unmodified ingredients.

The owner of  XO Baking Co.,  Lindsey Deitsch, is a Certified Health and Nutrition Coach as well as a  professional chef and baker. When finding she had Celiac Disease herself in 2009 she was determined to produce a product line for  herself, as well as others, that tasted delicious.

Organic coconut flour, high in fiber,  is found in all 16  of XO products. If you need to avoid soy then you will want to check out the companies All Purpose flour blend, Gingerbread Cookie mix, Banana Bread mix and their Cornbread mix which are all also soy free.

The nice thing about XO Baking is that all orders over $45 are shipped FREE!!! I have several other products from the company which I will be reviewing in the future, and can't wait to see if they are just as tasty. I have to say that this pancake mix is as close to the "real" wheat laden versions that I ate for all those years. The taste and texture were spot on. I would recommend this mix to everyone who craves a good old fashioned pancake.

Premium Cassava flour, unmodified potato starch, pure cane sugar, organic coconut flour, baking powder, sea salt, xanthan gum, organic vanilla flavor.
*Contains Coconut

Rating 5 Stars

To see XO's other products or to place a order visit their website at XO Baking Co.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Hi all. Now I do realize that we have several more weeks before Fall will actually arrive, but I like to have a good bowl of soup anytime of the year. Today it was overcast and gloomy, so what could be better than a warm bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, Yum. I received several varieties of soup mixes from the good people at Frontier Soups and was really in the mood to try their Potato Leek Soup, and today was just the right day for it.

Now if you have never heard of the company before, then let me tell you a little about them. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary in business, so I believe that pretty much says it all! They are located in Waukegan IL, and most of the ingredients used in their mixes are grown on American farms. The mixes contain all natural premium ingredients, with no salt, preservatives or MSG added. Thirty one of their mixes are lab tested and certified as gluten free, although the facility is not dedicated gluten free. Along with the soup mixes they also offer dips, rubs and marinades (GF) and a few baking mixes that do contain gluten.

The soup was so easy to make. All I had to add was chicken broth, a few extra cubed potatoes and some heavy cream at the end. The taste was really good. The only thing I would wish is that the pieces of leeks and scallions would have been a little more tender. I will try adding a few more minutes of cooking time before adding the potato cubes next time, as I am sure this will solve the problem.You can also puree this soup the next day and serve cold. It took about 40 minutes from start to finish and a grilled cheese sandwich was the perfect combination. A one cup serving is just 180 calories with 0 sugars, and only 7g in carbs.


Potato cubes and slices, onion, leek, celery, scallions, herbs.

I enjoyed this particular soup and look forward to trying others in their line in the near future. After all, Fall is just around the corner :( Sorry!!! You can view and purchase their line of products at

Rating 4 1/2 Stars

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Qwackers product review...

Hi all. Today I want to tell you about a gluten free cracker,  Qwackers. If you like Gold fish crackers, but can't eat gluten, then this is a great alternative. The crackers come in 1 ounce bags and make great snack packs for lunches or on the go. No cheesy fingers here! Although the crackers are made for kids, they are a great treat for kids of all ages.

The crackers have a great cheddar taste with just a hint of salt. They are baked so you will find no trans fat here. They are also corn and sugar free which makes them a healthier alternative for kids.
They contain no preservatives, artificial ingredients or colors.The 1 ounce bag has 130 calories and serves one. Be careful, as they can be addictive...My grandsons both ate two bags in a setting and I had to hide mine to keep it safe!

White rice flour, sharp Cheddar,(pasteurized milk, cheese cultures, enzymes) Butter (cream, salt) Water, potato starch, tapioca starch, extract of annatto seed (for color) Cultured buttermilk, sea salt, guar gum, cream of tarter, baking soda
* Contains milk

These are a nice item to have on hand with little ones around, for in between meals, or just a quick snack. They are light, crunchy and cheesy. You can order from their web at QWACKERS

Rating 41/2 Stars

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Butterfly Bakery Chocolate chip cookies....

Hi all. Today I would like to share with you a product from the Butterfly Bakery in NJ who was kind enough to ship me some of their chocolate chip cookies for me to to sample and review. (they also sent me mini gluten free blueberry muffins which I will review separately) We all know I love my sweets, and I was excited to review yet another item that had chocolate in it.

The Butterfly Bakery was founded in 1998 by Brenda who is the founder and CEO when her mom was diagnosed with Diabetes. She wanted to be able to create sweets that her mother could still eat and enjoy, now that's a good daughter!  In addition to their gluten free line of just nine items, they also offer products which are sugar free, no sugar added, whole grain and low calorie, a little taste for everyone, with a total of 75 different products in all.

The chocolate chip cookies are a nice size, about 2 3/4 inches across, and come in a round 11 ounce tub which sells for $5.99 on their home site. I could tell before even opening the tub that these seemed to be a fairly delicate cookie, as several were already broken in half and there were lots of crumbles in the bottom of the container.

The taste reminded me somewhat of a mild, airy version of a shortbread cookie loaded with mini chocolate chips, and yet surprisingly enough they did hold up well to dunking in milk without falling apart. In my own personal opinion this is not your everyday chocolate chip cookie, although they did have a nice flavor the texture really threw me off quite a bit.

One cookie contains 137 calories, with twelve servings per container. Although they are gluten free they do contain milk and eggs is you have these allergy issues, and they are packaged in a plant that also manufactures products with nuts/peanuts.

Amaranth flour, teff flour, sugar, brown sugar, water, butter, soybean oil, chocolate chips, whole eggs, baking soda, salt, natural flavor.

If you would like more of a airy, delicate, shortbread type cookie loaded with chocolate chips then these are right up your alley. I have seen many of the Butterfly Bakeries products in the refrigerated bakery section of our local Giant Eagle stores recently. If you can't locate their products in stores local to you then visit their site at the  Butterfly Bakery for more information.

Rating 3 1/4 Stars 

Although the taste was indeed good it did not have that "original" chocolate chip cookie taste and texture that I prefer. These may however make a excellent pie crust in the near future...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gluten Free Pantry's chocolate truffle brownies...

Step aside Duncan Heinz...(sorry) but I do believe you have met your equal when it comes to brownies! As you may know from past posts, I have always been a great Duncan Heinz fan, that was before my wheat/gluten free days that is...I had always found that out of all the brownie mixes on the store shelves that I always seemed to return to my fave....Duncan Heinz.

Being wheat/gluten free for many months now I have tried several different brands of brownies, some I have written about, some not. I have to begin by saying that Gluten free Pantry did not ask me to sample and review their product, and this review is being done on my own. I am posting about their Chocolate Truffle Brownie mix because I just had to share.

First let me say that if you are looking to cut calories, read no more, but if it is a awesome deep rich chocolate, creamy, melt in your mouth to die for brownie that you crave, then read on....WOW! Just when I thought I had already found a brownie mix worthy of stocking my pantry shelves.....

I found this company by accident while searching the web, and since I am still learning and trying new things in this new lifestyle of living wheat/gluten free, I ordered several boxes of their brownie mix to save on shipping costs later, should I like them. I am so glad that I did!

These brownies are EXCELLENT in taste and texture.The box makes 12 servings at 150 calories each and are so rich and chocolaty that one serving is all you need. I haven't had a brownie this good so far since my Duncan Heinz days...

Although I have found many products which I love and have actually replaced the wheat laden versions I use to eat, some are just substitutes until can find something better along the way. This is the case here. I am so glad I ordered two boxes, just wish I had ordered more!

Eggs, melted butter, and nuts (if you desire) are all that's needed  to make this mix. Prefer a lower fat version?  The box even has directions for you.

Sugar, chocolate chips (sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla extract) cocoa powder processed with alkali, white rice flour, potato starch, corn starch, xanthan gum, salt.
*Contains Soy

This mix is a product of Canada, distributed by Glutino which offers a full line of more than 80 products, many of which I am sure you may be familiar with.

You can order this brownie mix from Allergy Free Kosher, click on  Cakes & Pastry Mixes,  then go to bottom of  Page 2 and order for just $4.95.

I know you will enjoy them as much as I did. Oh by the might want to order more than just one!!!

Rating 5 Stars
Have a blessed wheat free day!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quick, easy and delicious!

Hi all. Yesterday I had made some Brown & Wild Rice Fusion for my side dish from Goose Valley for dinner as you remember. Well today I was stumped for lunch ideas and I was getting pretty hungry. So to avoid eating a whole pan of brownies which I had made last night...I needed to come up with a lunch solution, and fast!

I remembered a Spanish rice recipe my mom use to make when we were kids and short on groceries right before payday. Hamburg, rice, tomatoes, green peppers and onions, most items came from our garden...well with the exception of the hamburg and rice that is :)

Well I had no green peppers on hand, and I really wasn't in the mood for hamburg,  but I did have all the other ingredients on hand and a can of Garbanzo beans to replace the protein in the meat, so on with the cooking!

First I changed out chopped garlic in place of the onion, opened a can of diced tomatoes, a can of garbanzo beans and some of the cooked leftover rice from last nights dinner. Within five minutes a  hot delicious meal filled with fiber and protein was on the table. What could be quicker or healthier!

I have added the recipe below which you can use as a starting point. Like mushrooms...add a few. If you have green pepper's, then by all means throw them in. That's what leftovers are all about, right? This was quick, easy and delicious and I must say I even went back for seconds!!!

Sharon's "Spanish Rice" Recipe

1 teas minced garlic
2 T olive oil...I LOVE Newman's Own
1 - 14 1/2 oz can diced tomatoes
1 - 16 oz can garbanzo beans, drained
1/4 - 1/2 teas crushed red peppers
2 cups precooked ( leftover) rice
Salt & Pepper to taste
Saute garlic in oil for about a minute on medium heat in a large skillet. Toss in can of diced tomatoes, juice and all. Add the drained garbanzo beans and simmer for about 3 minutes until tomatoes and beans are heated through. Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of crushed red  peppers, 2 cups of precooked rice, and cook an additional minute or two until rice is  heated thoroughly and it has thickened a little, then serve.This goes great with a crusty slice of buttered bread. Serves 4
I hope you enjoy as much as I did. Have a great wheat free day...until next time.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Enjoy Life's Seed & Fruit mixes...

Good morning all. Today I want to tell you about a delicious snack mix from Enjoy Life. I have to tell you that this company is one of my favorites by far. I haven't been disappointed with any of their products I have tried, including their seed and fruit mixes. Their Mountain Mix is loaded with sunflower kernels, pumpkin seeds, raisins, apples, chocolate chips and cranberries. This mixture is my favorite of the two as it contains.....yes you guessed it....chocolate chips.  The Beach Bash is a mixture of sunflower kernels, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, cranberries and apricots. Okay, so in all honesty it is a tie in flavors for me! They are both so delicious that I have a hard time deciding as both are loaded with crunchy seeds and moist chewy fruits.

These mixes are made to be gluten free as well as free from the eight most common allergens such as wheat, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, fish, shellfish.They are both tasty and filling. I find less guilt in grabbing a handful of these mixes father than reaching for a candy bar.

A 1/4 cup serving  of the Mountain Mambo has only 140 calories, the Beach Bash has 130 calories for the same size serving.  The sugar count on both is only 9g as apposed to 19g to 21 g on the variety of candy bars I now have laying on my kitchen counter.

They come in reclosable bags for easy storage, and make a quick filling snack for anytime of the day. I really enjoyed sampling these mixes and look forward to what Enjoy Life might come up with next in their line! Stop by their site for more products and information at Enjoy Life Foods

 Rating  5 Stars

Until next post...Have a great wheat free day!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Goose Valley Brown & Wild Rice Fusion...

Recently I had received several varieties of rice mixes to review from my friends at Goose Valley. Today I needed a quick side dish for dinner, so I decided to try their Brown & Wild Rice Fusion mix. Goose Valley Wild Rice's are gluten free whole grains, high in fiber and protein. They are also the largest certified wild rice producers around. They use only organic fertilizes with no pesticides or herbicides. The company is family-owned and uses organically certified facilities to process their rice, so you can be sure you are getting a certified gluten free product.
Although their site offers loads of recipe's I opted to cook the rice the old fashioned way....plain, so as to be able to freeze the extra and  use it in several more recipes along the way. I find it is  always easier to cook in bulk, then freeze leftovers,  saving me time in the long haul.
The cooking directions are easy enough. Water, rice and a covered pan. Following the directions on the bag the rice cooked perfectly. I was amazed at the texture, which was quite uniform, even though this particular blend has four different rices in the mix. CalMati Brown rice, Wild rice, Heirloom Red rice, ans Calmochi Sweet Brown rice.
Each particular kind of rice cooked to the texture and density of its own characteristics. They each had unique individual flavors, each playing off one another to perfect a pleasing taste. I thought I was going to have to add butter or seasonings to flavor the rice since I was using this as a side dish for tonight's dinner,  but I was mistaken. The rice was a tasty blend all on its own with a slight hint of spice and nectar. The Brown & Wild Rice Fusion comes in a resealable 10 once bag and serves 8
Other flavors the company carries are:
Certified Organic Wild Rice   5 oz serves 4   10 oz serves 8
Natural Wild Rice   5 oz serves 4   10 oz serves 8
Basmati & Wild Rice Fusion  10 oz serves 8
Arboria & Wild Rise Risotto   11oz serves 6
Rice & Bean Fusion  8 oz serves 6
Goose Valley has loads of recipes ranging from appetizers and soups, to  main course dishes and more on their site for you to try and enjoy. I really enjoyed this product and will be purchasing more in the near future.You can view their site at Goose Valley for products, recipes and more about the company.
Rating   5 Stars

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gluten free flours...

I realize there are many gluten free flour mixes and blends on the market, but having the knowledge about each individual gluten free flour and the many ways in which it can be used, is a beneficial tool. So therefore I have listed many gluten free flours with information about each so as to better equip you in your baking adventures.

Amaranth Flour: From Amaranth grain, considered to be gluten-free it has a sweet taste.
 Bean Flours:Baked goods made with bean flours have a desirable texture, are moist, have higher levels of protein and fiber.
Black Bean Flour: Gluten free used for bean dips, fillings in Mexican dishes and other foods. 
White Bean Flour: A variety of flour most often used in gluten free baking in combinations with other beans. This flour is an excellent mild flour to use with breads, cookies, muffins and other baked goods.
Fava Bean Flour: Made from ground Fava beans, this light colored flour is often used in combination with Garbanzo flour in gluten free baking.
Garbanzo Bean Flour: A variety of flour that is most often used in East Indian and Gluten-free cooking. Garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, are processed into a flour that is very similar to millet providing a rich sweet flavor to baked foods. This flour may be listed as besan flour.            
Garfava flour: This flour is a blend of chick-pea flour and fava bean flour and can be used like chick-pea flour.
Buckwheat flour: Considered gluten-free. Musty, robust flavor.
Cassava Flour: Ground from the cassava root, this flour is creamy-white with a slightly fermented flavor and sour taste.Gluten free, it is used to replace wheat flour, and is so-used by some people with allergies to other grain crops.
Coconut flour: Coconut flour is made from ground dried coconut meal. It can replace up to 25% of flour used in most recipes. High fiber content.
Coconut Flour: Is made from dried ground coconut meats. It can be substituted for up to 25% of flours used in most recipes. High fiber contant.
Chia Flour: Flour made from ground Chia seeds. Said to be most like wheat flour in texture and taste when used for baking. Has great health benefits and Omega 3's.
Corn flour: Finely ground corn. Gluten-free and bland slightly sweet flavor.
Masa Harina: Finely ground corn flour used to make authentic Mexican tortillas. It is made from corn soaked in lime then dried before grinding. Literally translated from Spanish it means "dough flour".
Millet flour: Ground from the millet seeds. It is gluten-free and has a buttery, slightly sweet taste.
Nut flours:Made by grinding nuts, these flours are excellent in desserts.High in protein and low in carbohydrates.For long storage, keep in freezer or refrigerator.
Almond Flour:Almond flour is simply ground blanched almonds. It is used as a thickener, a replacement for wheat flour, and a base for cakes and puddings. It is still an essential ingredient in Viennese confections.
Cashew Flour: Made from ground raw cashews, this flour can be added to your favorite cookies or cakes for a surprising taste treat.        
Chestnut flour: This tan flour is made from American chestnuts, the meaty, low fat nuts that are often served as a vegetable. The flour is a little sweet and is traditionally used in Italian holiday desserts.        
Pistachio flour: Ground from pistachio nut, great for desserts, as well as other baking.
Oat flour: Sweet and nutty flavor this flour is made by de-hulling oats and grinding the remain groats. It has a high oil content.
Pea Flour: Gluten free, this flour can be used to thicken soups or to make a hearty pea soup.Also use as natural colorant in baking, noodle making and other foods.
Plantain Flour: Dried and ground plantains produce a gluten-free flour, which can be used in breads, cakes, cookies and rolls.
Potato flour: Made from dehydrated potatoes. This is a white velvety flour, sweetly pungent. Gluten-free. Do not mistake this for potato starch. They are two different products.
Quinoa flour: Higher in fat than wheat flour, quinoa flour makes baked goods moister. Often used in gluten free baking.
Rice flour: Ground from the whole grain. Sweet in flavor. Gluten-free. Brown rice flour is made from whole grain; white rice flour from de-branned rice. Sweet rice flour is made from sweet rice, more starchy.
Sorghum flour: Another gluten-free flour. Ground from sorghum berries is imparts a sweet flavor. Sometimes labeled as Juwar flour.
Soy flour: Slightly bitter flavor, manufactured by milling soybeans. The full fat flour contains all the natural oil of the bean.
Spelt flour: Ground from spelt, it has a mild nutty flavor and is high in protein but low in gluten. It is sometimes substituted for wheat flour in making bread for the gluten and wheat intolerant.
HOWEVER, many Celiac patients find they may also be intolerant of this flour.Available in whole spelt flour and white spelt flour, which is made from de-branned spelt grain.
Sweet Potato Flour:A gluten free flour that is produced from white sweet potatoes. Dull white in color, sweet potato flour is stiff in texture and somewhat sweet tasting. High in fiber, this flour contains more carbohydrates but less protein than common flour. It can be used for baked goods, such as breads, cookies, muffins, pancakes, doughnuts, sauces, and gravies, or as a thickener.
Tapioca flour: Milled from the dried starch of the cassava root, this flour thickens when heated with water and is often used to give body to puddings, fruit pie fillings, and soups. It can also be used in baking.
Teff flour: From T’eff grain, this is an ancient Ethiopian flour.Used to make unleavened bread, soups and other African foods, teff is available in both the natural brown and the natural ivory varieties.

If you have a favorite flour combination you use and would love to share, please leave a comment under this post.
As always...Have a great wheat free day!
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wow. Last night was one of those nights when I kept waking up throughout the night with too many thoughts racing through my mind! I have dozens of products to review, a house to clean, posts to write, and on top of that I have been fighting a sore throat and a cough. I guess" it never rains but what it pours" as my mom would say.

I finally fell asleep on the couch after several hours of tossing and turning to awaken this morning  to several construction vehicles parked in front of our house. They are working down the block on Townhouses and it seems that the front our house seems to be their chosen place for designated parking.

 Realizing that I nor my husband had set the garbage can out on the curb for pick up this morning  I threw on some clothes and completed the task before starting my day. So far I have also dropped of a letter that needed to go in today's mail, made the bed, fed the cat, ate breakfast, read scripture form the bible, said my prayers, and checked my daily e-mails. Restless night...hectic morning.

This brings me to the reason of this post. Recently I received a picture of a child which  I have sponsored through Compassion for the past ten years, her name is Griselda. She was just five years old when I started sponsoring her, and this year she will graduate high school. Where has the time gone?

I have received countless letters from her over the past years, all  translated into English for my benefit as she lives in Bolivia, and all of which I have kept. Along the way I have learnt about her family, subjects she likes and dislikes. I have heard stories about field trips, family birthdays, the birth of her pet dogs puppies and more. Like the construction down the block, from start to finish, I have been with her along the way.

This is how my wheat free adventure feels like on many days...CONSTRUCTION.
In a home the electrical has to be put in the exact placement in order for the heating and cooling to function, or the electric to even work. The walls have to provide enough structure to hold the weight of the ceiling and the roof .Yes, even the plumbing must have just the right degree of slant in order for the drains to perform properly. The construction crew may have the best laid blueprints to follow, yet even then, sometimes changes need to be made, or specifications adjusted slightly.

This is the same with my wheat free living journey. Sometimes I need to adjust my eating when away from home visiting family. Gluten free products such as bread are not always available so I have to resort to eating more fruits and salads than I normally would. Sometimes I have to turn down desserts that I might crave to insure that I am true to myself in this adventure. Changes in my "blueprints" are sometimes something that I can't avoid. I am finding I am okay with this....As long as I am reaching my ultimate goal, being  honest with myself, and reaching the completion of the constuuction I have started. I realize the little changes in my blueprints are only a small part in the completion of my better health, so I continue on with the construction, happily.

Until next post...Have a great wheat free day!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

popchips at Costco's...

Hi everyone. I hope your day is going as well as mine is. I sat down for a snack earlier and just had to share this amazing product with you,  popchips.....I found these delicious chips this past week while shopping at our local Costco store, and only got around to trying them today.

These chips are made with potatoes (flakes) but are popped, not fried, and never baked, so they are a much healthier alternative to snacking. Fried chips just put a lot of stuff in there that we could all do without. And baking chips takes a lot of flavor out. So at popchips they found a way to pop all the flavor in, while keeping all the fake stuff, and at least half the fat of regular flavored chips out.
There are no fake colors, no fake flavors, no preservatives, and no grease, no hydrogenated oils or  MSG along with no preservatives.

WOW! I just couldn't quit eating them. The great part about it is most of their flavors are only anywhere between 100-120 calories per serving! The only flavor Costco had was the Parmesan Garlic and it was less than $5.00 for a 15 oz bag so I bought one to try.  The 15oz bag contains about 15 servings, which averages out to about $.33 a serving.

The flavor was super. They are crunchy, yet seem to just melt in your mouth. The united flavors of the Parmesan cheese and garlic didn't outweigh the chip, and was quite a treat. Knowing I was eating healthier and still satisfying my "snack" attack made me feel good.

popchips offers nine other flavors: Original, Barbecue, Sour Cream & Onion, Sea Salt & Vinegar, Sweet Potato, Jalapeno Cheddar, Salt & Pepper, Chili Lime, and Thai Sweet Chili.

The company recently also introduced a line of Tortilla products with four great flavors: Nacho Cheese, Ranch, Salsa, Chili Limon.You can order the products from their web site in bulk either in 12 or 24 count packs or look for them in your area. They have been written about in such magazines as Shape, Men's Health, Fitness, and Eat This Not That, just to name a few. They are also a certified gluten free product, and most of their products are also Vegan and Vegetarian safe.(Please check ingredients)

Ingredients: (for the Parmesan Garlic Potato flavor that I tried)

Potato Ingredients (potato flakes, potato starch) Sunflower, Safflower, and/or Canola oil, Seasoning(Maltodextrin, whey, salt, dextrose, Parmesan cheese (pasteurized milk, cheese cultures, salt, enzymes), Natural flavors, Garlic powder, parsley, yeast extract, citric acid, lactic acid)Rice flour.

Rating: 5 Stars....I can't wait to try their other flavors!

You can visit their site at popchips, and as always have a GREAT wheat free day!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Pure Pantry... pancake review...

This morning I woke up to rather ominous looking skies here in Ohio and felt like I needed something to help lift the "gloom" that seemed to surround me. Something warm and comforting such as.....Pancakes...

I had recently received some pancake mix from thepurepantry and immediately whipped up some batter, then sat down to a breakfast of pancakes lathered in maple syrup, sliced banana and OJ. Great way to start the day.

This is a organic buckwheat flax pancake and baking mix, and although there is the word wheat in the name, there is virtually no wheat in this product! Buckwheat does not contain wheat!!!!Actually this mix is not only free of gluten, but also contains NO dairy, soy, nuts or eggs, making it also great for Vegans. All of thepurepantry's products are batch tested for absence of gluten to insure that they are certified gluten free, it is a product that is made in  USA and is also organic.

The pancakes were light, fluffy, and quite delicious. Although the texture is not as fluffy as basic pancakes made with white flour, the taste was great. I felt as if I was eating a whole grain pancake without all the guilt or ingredients I no longer want in my diet.

 Now I am not the best pancake maker in the world by any means, but I must say that I didn't do too bad of a job and ended up with quite uniform shaped cakes this morning. All in all I felt pretty good about my accomplishment, and pleasantly pleased with the taste.


Organic buckwheat flour, organic brown rice flour, organic flax meal, organic white rice flour, aluminum free baking powder, baking soda, sea salt, xanthan gum.

Rating: 5 Stars

You can view their other products such as their Old fashioned pancake and baking mix, Chocolate chip cookie mix, Organic sugar cookie mix, Wholegrain oatmeal cookie mix, Wholegrain dark chocolate cake mix, Organic all purpose baking mix and numerous recipes at thepurepantry

Also if you live near Carlsbad California you can sign up for Elizabeth's cooking classes, or order her book from the site if you don't live near by.

I hope you enjoy, and as always....Have a great wheat free day!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quattrobimbi products from Italy...

With summer upon us I have been longing for some great pasta salad, so yesterday I decided to finally bread down and make some since I had received several packages of gluten free noodles from Quattrobimbi that I was anxious to try.

Now being fairly new to this wheat/gluten free lifestyle and still in the experimenting stages with many foods,  I have tried my fair share of different noodles and have had some not so favorable experiences with many, but this was not the case with this product. Although the noodles cooked up a little larger than most elbows I have been use to over the years,  the taste was remarkable.

The company has a expanding product line, LeVeneziane, Le Asolane, Farmo, and Farabella with products ranging from gluten free pastas to bread sticks, cake, bread and pizza mixes, gnocchi and even baked cookies.

The pasta I used was the MACCHERONCINI from their Bi Aglut line. Following the directions on the bag I cooked the noodles for exactly 8 minutes, setting my timer so as not to over cook. The noodles were plump with just the right texture and the taste was excellent. I really would have had a difficult time telling they were gluten free if I had not cooked them myself. To be honest I had to go back and check the labeling on the bag to be sure!

The ingredients listed are: Cornstarch,potato flour, lupin flour, lupin proteins, mono and diglycerides(emulsified) THIS PRODUCT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH PEANUT ALLERGIES. CONTAINS LUPIN FLOUR AND LUPIN PROTEIN.

This is a product of Italy...boy do they know their pasta, and the particular Le Veneziane noodles I used are manufactured for H J  HEINZ Co. in Pittsburgh Pa., so you can probably find them at your local supermarket.

After tossing all my extra  ingredients in with the drained pasta I popped it in the refrigerator for about a hour and served it with BBQ ribs for dinner. My husband enjoyed every bite as did I, and he never asked if it was GF...(I am weening him off of wheat/gluten gradually without his knowledge).
Being an Italian himself I have to say he knows his pasta, and since he never asked if it was gluten free, says it all.

I would highly recommend this product and can't wait to try the penne noodles with sauce very soon:)
You can visit their site and view all their products at:Quattrobimbi-Gluten Free from Italy

Rating: 5 Stars

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Great vacation...

Hi everyone. I am back from vacation and ready to once again review more products. I had a great time with my daughter and grandsons.  I made gluten free pasta springs while visiting and my grandsons both asked for seconds, and never knew the difference We also made gluten free cupcakes! Wow, I must be doing something right. I got lots of hugs and kisses this past week and I miss them terribly already.

This blog is all about being "REAL", whether it be about good food, recipes, reviews, or just life and family in general. Life is too short to miss out on the little things, so if keeping healthy will give me more time to enjoy each and every moment along the way, then I am hopefully on the right track.

I received two boxes of products while I was  away and I can't wait to start the "tastings". I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacations, and have been brave enough to have tried something new along the way.

I look forward to my next product testing review, as I hope you do. Until then...have a great wheat free day!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Biscuits with Better Batter mix review...

Last night I decided to make biscuits to go with Chili for dinner and change it up a little from everyday bread. I used the Pancake & Biscuit mix from Better Batter and followed the easy directions listed on the box. 2 1/4 C mix, 2/3 to 1 C milk, buttermilk, or water. (I used Almond milk and added 1 T of vinegar to make a mock buttermilk)  I mixed the ingredients by hand using a pastry blender until a soft, sticky dough formed. I used the drop method, although you also have the option of rolling the dough to create rolled biscuits. Quick and easy was what I was in the mood for...and this was both.

The biscuits were soft, flaky, and  tender with a great taste. I smeared butter on them and definitely ate my share. The recipe will make 6-8 biscuits depending upon the size.This mix can also be used to make pancakes and waffles, which I plan to try in the future.

I have tried several of Better Batters products and have been satisfied with each and everyone I have tried. This is a great mix to have on hand as it is quick, easy, and delicious. It is nice to know that the company also gives a percentage of their profits to charities.

Each box is stamped with a" Best Before Date" in print large enough for the most visually challenged person to be able to see, and their site has recipes to share and enjoy, as well as a gluten free community. The products are made in Pennsylvania ( my home state...Yeah!) in the USA. This product is also accepted for Vegetarian, Vegan and OU Kosher.

You can visit their site to find information or to order products at Better Batter

White rice flour, Brown rice Flour, Tapioca starch, potato starch, Canola oil, Sugar, Potato flour, Sodium acid pyrophosphate, Xantham gum, Pectin, Baking soda, Salt, Cream of tarter, monocalcium, Phosphate Monohydrate.

Rating 5 Stars

Buckwheat - Gluten Free -- Grass Free

 Buckwheat, which is actually not in the wheat family at all, has somehow gotten a bad rap over the years. I personally have avoided it basi...