Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Wow. Last night was one of those nights when I kept waking up throughout the night with too many thoughts racing through my mind! I have dozens of products to review, a house to clean, posts to write, and on top of that I have been fighting a sore throat and a cough. I guess" it never rains but what it pours" as my mom would say.

I finally fell asleep on the couch after several hours of tossing and turning to awaken this morning  to several construction vehicles parked in front of our house. They are working down the block on Townhouses and it seems that the front our house seems to be their chosen place for designated parking.

 Realizing that I nor my husband had set the garbage can out on the curb for pick up this morning  I threw on some clothes and completed the task before starting my day. So far I have also dropped of a letter that needed to go in today's mail, made the bed, fed the cat, ate breakfast, read scripture form the bible, said my prayers, and checked my daily e-mails. Restless night...hectic morning.

This brings me to the reason of this post. Recently I received a picture of a child which  I have sponsored through Compassion for the past ten years, her name is Griselda. She was just five years old when I started sponsoring her, and this year she will graduate high school. Where has the time gone?

I have received countless letters from her over the past years, all  translated into English for my benefit as she lives in Bolivia, and all of which I have kept. Along the way I have learnt about her family, subjects she likes and dislikes. I have heard stories about field trips, family birthdays, the birth of her pet dogs puppies and more. Like the construction down the block, from start to finish, I have been with her along the way.

This is how my wheat free adventure feels like on many days...CONSTRUCTION.
In a home the electrical has to be put in the exact placement in order for the heating and cooling to function, or the electric to even work. The walls have to provide enough structure to hold the weight of the ceiling and the roof .Yes, even the plumbing must have just the right degree of slant in order for the drains to perform properly. The construction crew may have the best laid blueprints to follow, yet even then, sometimes changes need to be made, or specifications adjusted slightly.

This is the same with my wheat free living journey. Sometimes I need to adjust my eating when away from home visiting family. Gluten free products such as bread are not always available so I have to resort to eating more fruits and salads than I normally would. Sometimes I have to turn down desserts that I might crave to insure that I am true to myself in this adventure. Changes in my "blueprints" are sometimes something that I can't avoid. I am finding I am okay with this....As long as I am reaching my ultimate goal, being  honest with myself, and reaching the completion of the constuuction I have started. I realize the little changes in my blueprints are only a small part in the completion of my better health, so I continue on with the construction, happily.

Until next post...Have a great wheat free day!!!

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