Friday, July 8, 2022

GF Bread Mix


 Hi everyone. Wow! Who would have thought such a small bathroom would take so long to refinish. It’s been a while since I have had the time to post on the blog, and for that I apologize. I finally got to make that loaf of bread I promised, and since I haven't had time to try a loaf from scratch, I used a mix by White Gold and want to give you my thoughts on it.

First the main flour on the ingredients list is white rice flour. I have been wanting to try more rice free flour mixtures, but a promise is a promise and at the moment this is all I had available so here are my thoughts:

The really great thing about this bread flour mix is that you do NOT have to have a bread maker with a gluten free setting because the directions call for the BASIC bread setting! First impression was good so far. It is also a certified Gluten Free mix.

Secondly the mix is already premeasured so all you have to do is add in the other ingredients which everyone pretty much has on hand. Milk, eggs, salt, apple cider vinegar, 1 envelope dry yeast, soft butter or oil, and sugar. Put the liquid ingredients in the pan, pour in the dry ingredients, set the basic bread setting and walk away till done. Excellent so far, I’m impressed!

OK. Now comes the best part. The taste test. If you have bought gluten free bread you probably know most are either very expensive, or very dry and tasteless. This loaf was bendable, moist and has a mild sweet taste. I did not taste any yeast at all. My husband who is a diabetic likes to try out the things I bake, and although he is not on a gluten free diet, he enjoyed the texture and taste.

It does have a somewhat moist, almost tacky feel to the touch which I have found to be true of most homemade gluten free breads I have tried. However, you probably know by now if you have been gluten free for anytime at all, that this is true of most gluten free breads you make from scratch.

If toasting you need to keep a watch on it as it will brown in the toaster fairly quickly. I found this to be true also when making grilled cheese sandwiches. However, the bread keeps its moistness during either of these processes and does not crumble nor become dry inside. I used my bread slicer so my slices were rather thick so I’m sure this needs to be factored in.

I haven’t tried making French toast with it yet but I am sure that with the texture of the bread that it will be a great success. My husband has tried it as grilled cheese sandwiches, toast with jelly, and really enjoyed the taste and he is a pumpernickel bread kind of guy so this is great praise for the loaf. I think the only thing I might try differently is to leave it inside the bread maker after is quits baking for approximately another half hour before taking out to set on the rack to cool. 

It freezes well and although the bag states that it can be frozen up to 2 months. The only drawback is that it does have a little more sodium in the mix that I would prefer since I do have CKD but with that said it was delicious in flavor and texture and so therefore, I give it a 4 1/2 stars.

You can purchase this mix from Amazon. It’s under $8 and I believe worth the price for a fresh home baked loaf. If you purchase it and give it a try, please leave a comment on the site and let me know your thoughts. 

Until next post. Have a blessed day!



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