Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Trader Joes gluten free chocolate chip brownie mix...

On our days off my husband and I like to stop in various stores that are either new to us or we haven't been in for awhile. On a recent trip we stopped into a brand new Trader Joe's that had just recently opened. While there I like to scour the isles for new and interesting items that are gluten free. I am always up for new challenges when it comes to gluten free baking even though I like to use my own blends of flours. However,  I am always open to trying prepackaged mixes for convenience at times.

While recently visiting the new store I came upon their "Baker Josef's" Gluten free Chocolate chip brownie mix. As you all know by now I could probably live on all things chocolate if no other food groups existed, so I decided to buy a box and give them a try.

Although I don't remember the cost, and have actually thrown away the receipt by now, I do believe they were between $3.99- $4.99 for the box....The mix will make a 8x8 inch pan and the chocolate chips in the mix are a pretty good size.

One egg, 1/4 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of oil, are all that is needed to assemble. I actually used a large slotted spoon to mix all the ingredients together so it couldn't get any simpler.

I used a glass baking dish, well greased and baked for 35 minutes, checking to see if they were done with a toothpick at that time and they were baked to perfection. The directions say to bake 35 minutes to 42 minutes and since my oven seems to be pretty spot on, It only took 35 minutes total.

I must warn you though that these brownies can become pretty addictive. I knew this even after my very first bite. They were moist, held together nicely, even while warm....YES I couldn't wait!!! The top was that crispy layer that you get on  wheat laden brownies, although not as shiny of a texture. I only had one problem....the fact that I actually had no milk in the house, but a little thing like that wasn't going to stop me from enjoying.

I must say that I was pretty darn impressed with this mix, and would definitely have to rate it 5stars. I have no idea when I will be going back that direction to pick up a few more boxes, but I hope its soon, as this will definitely be a must have staple in my cupboard for emergencies.

If you live local to a Trader Joe's stop by and pick up a box or two, and enjoy!!!



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