Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Everyday living...

Hi all. As you have noticed there haven't been many posts as of recent...As it goes everyday living has caught up with our family.

My mother fell several weeks back and broke her hip, for which she had to have surgery, so life as I know it has taken a detour. Trying to maintain a regular work schedule, long drives and visits to the hospital, have all taken a great deal of my time. Therefore the blog has taken a back seat, along with my baking, as it should.

Trying to take a few minutes to relax this morning I sat watching the sparrows who have nested in the birdhouse outside my kitchen window. It amazes me how they work, and work, just to feed their young. One leaves the nest as the other returns with food for the babies. I see the baby birds tiny beaks rising up into the small opening with the expectation of the food that their parents have worked so tirelessly to bring each time one of the parents return to the nest.

My mother has always been that way with me. Working tirelessly to put food on the table as I was growing up. Taking me to doctor's appointments, and functions, until I was old enough to drive on my own. Teaching me the love of baking and cooking.

I don't know how much longer the baby birds will stay in the nest before they are ready to learn how to fly. Nor do I know if their parents will miss them when they fly away on their own. I know I will be sad to see them go as it has been an adventure watching the magic of it all through my kitchen window each day.

So please bear with me if the posts are sparse in the next few weeks because my role in life seems to have been reversed for a little while. The mother who has always been my leader in life at the present needs a little leadership from me, and hopefully I can do as good of a job as she did!

So until next post...have a great Gluten free week.


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