Friday, December 14, 2012

Kit's Organic bars product review...

 I just realized today how back logged I am with products that need to be sampled and reviewed. So many wonderful companies have been generous enough to send products to be reviewed that it seems catch up is definitely in order. Kit's Organic was kind enough to send me three of their flavored bars to sample and review a while back, so since I needed a quick snack on the run this morning I will talk about their products today.

First lets talk about their Cashew Fruit & Nut bar. When you think cashew, you think nutty, crunchy...right? This was my initial impression also. Now I need to be in the mood for nuts of any kind, especially if I am in a hurry and don't feel like taking the time to chew...

I was pleasantly surprised. Not only with the ingredients on the package, but also with the flavors they incorporated together. Just four ingredients total are blended to make this tasty, filling, and what is a rather healthy snack treat. Organic dates, organic cashews, organic almonds and sea salt. Quite simple ingredients, and also delicious. This bar has only 170 calories. 27g of carbohydrates, 3g of  dietary fiber, 15g sugars and 3g of protein.

I figured that I was going to be overwhelmed with the taste of the dates, being they are listed first on the ingredients list,  but was quite frankly I was surprised. After the first few bites I could taste the flavor of the cashews and almonds, which blended with the texture of the dates quite smoothly. The texture of the bar was smooth, with just the right feel for a good "chew".

The second bar I tried was the Berry Almond Fruit & Nut bar. Wow! The burst  of the Organic barberries and bilberries was quite a experience, and left me wanting more. This bar once again has minimal ingredients. Organic dates, organic almonds, organic barberries, organic bilberries, and sea salt. Except for the smooth chewiness, this tasted like a fresh bowl of berries topped with almonds! This bar has 27g of carbohydrates, 5g of fiber, 16g sugars and 4g of protein.

The third bar I sampled was their Chocolate Almond Coconut Fruit & Nut bar. Quite surprisingly this tasted very close to a Mounds candy bar, but with healthier ingredients, so I got the best of both worlds! The ingredients in this bar were: Organic dates, organic almonds, unsweetened chocolate, organic coconut, organic virgin coconut oil, and seal salt. This bar contains 25g carbohydrates, 5g dietary fiber, 15g sugars, and 4g protein. Although I enjoyed all  three bars immensely I recommend this bar highly because of my love for anything CHOCOLATE!

The company uses organic ingredients in all their products. Free from the use of toxic pesticides or synthetic chemicals. Ingredients that are not only better for the planet, but also for the body and soul. Their foods are not only free of trans fats, but also hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrups for a healthier life style.

For more information about Kit's organic bars you can visit The company offers many kinds of bars, all of which are NOT gluten free, although they offer many products that are.

Products that are listed as gluten free:

Kit's Organics....(brand name)
Berry Almond Fruit & Nut bar
Cashew Fruit & Nut bar
Cashew Almond Coconut Fruit & Nut bar
Peanut Butter Fruit & Nut bar

Clif Kid...(brand name)
Fruit Punch
Mixed berry
Sour Apple
Tropical Twist

Luna...(brand name)
Chocolate cherry Almond
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Cookie Dough
Mint Chocolate Chip


Cashew Fruit & Nut bar   5 Stars
Berry Almond Fruit & Nut bar    5+  Stars
Chocolate Almond Coconut Fruit & Nut bar   5+  Stars

Enjoy, and have a great wheat free day!


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