Monday, June 27, 2016

"To be or not to be"......Gluten free that is!


Hi all...As you know I have been away on vacation for weeks now, thus the reason for no recent posts. It is too hard trying to use a gas stove in our RV as you have to open every vent in the place, and in 95 to 105 degree weather that is not a option, unless I want to fall over from heat exhaustion. Seems the Nu Wave and the hot plate are all we have been using while here. Forget about the oven, as its about the size of my microwave back home, and the last time I had tried to use it the bottom of our pizza was burnt to a crisp and the top still raw....not my idea of a tasty meal!

So basically I have no new recipes to share at this time. However, here are a few tips I thought you might find useful even if you have never eaten gluten free before and came across the blog by accident.


Reasons to Go Gluten-Free
Though eating gluten free was originally just a diet to control celiac disease, many people who don’t suffer from celiac disease can actually benefit from eliminating gluten from their diets. Some people who do not have celiac disease can still suffer from gluten sensitivity, and going gluten-free is really helpful in balancing the digestive system of these people, even many who suffer from  IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Eliminating gluten can also lead to consuming fewer empty carbohydrates, which can help you lose weight. ( still need to count calories)

Gluten-Free Alternatives
Just because you can no longer eat traditional flour doesn't mean that breads, pastas, and even beer or wines are totally off-limits. Most grocery stores and every health-food store has a large variety of gluten-free products to choose from, even stores like Walmart. I have even seen gluten free products in Big Lots....Yes I said Big Lots! I am so excited to be in SC because I have found several brands that differ from what my home state of PA has to offer. I am going to have to load up before our trip home!
If you're making food at home, finding gluten-free ingredients is also really easy. Flour alternatives made from corn, nuts, flax, or soy make delicious baked goods. Although I personally avoid soy which I explained in a post way back when I started my gluten free journey, it might work for you. You can totally replace pasta dishes with quinoa or rice instead. I love quinoa in stuffed peppers!!! You can even replace bread and buns for sandwiches with lettuce leaves, sliced mushrooms, or sweet potato patties. Going gluten-free allows you to flex your kitchen creativity muscles. So experiment, and send me your favorite gluten free summer recipes, I'd love to hear from you!

I hope you are enjoying your summer as much as I am.....Until next time...

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