Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Gluten Free Flour Mix

 As you all know by now I have been experimenting with developing a new GF flour mix that is free of rice flours, and other flours that are in the grass family because of my personal grass and wheat allergies. Seems that all these years with having a wheat allergy, I had forgotten I am also allergic to grass...Ugh! No wonder I have still felt sick sometimes after eating, even when I watched what I ate.

First I will let you know I have been doing ALOT of praying over this issue. I have found over the years that so many of the GF flour blends on the market have just had such a bland taste, or else loaded with "fillers" as I will call them, such as coconut, nuts, chips, etc to camouflage  that missing flavor. Not to mention  that  many are made with flours such as coconut and other nut flours to which many are also allergic. Bean flours if not used correctly can, well, taste like beans! Rice....well ....It's easily available, cheap, and pretty much in everything. It's also pretty bland in taste and it still needs help from other flours and starches to make a blend,  just like all others do, as they can not stand on their own. It's also in the grass family.

I finally got sick n tired of being sick n tired. I know, I know......It's expensive to eat and bake gluten free. Trying this brand, that brand, only to be disappointed most times in the end, for which I am sorry. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel!

I have spent countless days and nights doing research on flours and formulas others have used, or tried. I have tried products that filled my stomach but did not satisfy my taste buds. I have spend hundreds, NO, thousands of $$$$$$$'s over the years on premade mixes and bags of GF  flours trying to create my own blend. Even now my pantry is filled with hundreds, and hundreds of dollars worth of gluten free flours and starches with which I have been experimenting with trying to find the perfect blend  that I can use. One that not only will give me the taste of "NORMAL" baked goods, but also be safe for my individual allergies, as well as yours.

I recently made a loaf of gluten free bread that rose well, as a matter of fact, it overflowed the pan, but that's another story in itself...My fault... It has such a bendable texture, nice air pockets, and toasts beautifully. Compared to most GF breads on the market I give it a big thumbs up! I have tried many GF breads, even reviewed a few on the blog. The bread I recently made with my blend, taste  more like that of a whole wheat bread than regular white, but that is fine by me, because I know what went into it.

Then I tried the same flour blend and made GF chocolate chip cookies with it. I have to tell you that I am so pleased with how these turned out! I took some to my neighbors and they said they were delicious, and they DO NOT even eat gluten free!

Thirdly I made chocolate cupcakes today, YES, with the same flour blend, and they rose, taste, and have crumbs just like gluten laden cupcake mixes you buy in the supermarked. Did I mention they are DELICIOUS!!!!  So I will be continuing to tweek, and try several more recipes with this blend before sharing. I may even be working on a cookbook in the near future. If this flour mix can work for breads, cookies, and cakes as well, then I have been truly blessed! It may truly be a substitute as a true 1 to 1. Oh, and did I tell you, it is 120 grams per cup, just like regular white flour......OH YEAH! 

So till next time,


 Deuteronomy 28:12

The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gluten Free, and Free from Pop Up Advertisements

 Hi everyone. Just wanted you all to know that Wheat Free Living  and Me is totally free from  "Pop Up Advertising"...

Nothing irritates me more than visiting a popular site and having those "Pop up Advertisements" POPPING up everywhere. It disrupts me and I actually can't get off of that site quick  enough!  It's really irritating trying to read a recipe, collect information, or order something you see, when you keep having to stop and x out a "pop up"! Ugh....

If you are interested in a product, or products on my site, you can click on the store buttons to the right on my page and check out what they have to offer. It's that simple! So stop in and browse the stores, and Happy Shopping!

Easy, Quick, ,Gluten Free Pancakes

 In case you haven't dropped by lately you might not know that my "retired" husband has gone back to work once more. Yes, life does seem to be somewhat of a roller coaster ride as of late...So each morning I have the pleasant task of making a hearty breakfast for the two of us to start the day since he is now working from home.

We have had eggs and bacon, scrambled eggs, french toast, you name it.  I am pretty much tired of looking at eggs. All were gluten free, but I have been having visions of eggs in my dreams...

Today I thought I would step it up and make pancakes. He likes his plain, and I like mine with mini chocolate chips. I know that with having kidney disease I need to limit my  intake of certain foods, so mini chocolate chips gave me just enough of the chocolaty flavor I needed but not too much of the "potassium or phosphorus" that my kidneys DON'T need. As per my husbands input, the King Arthurs flour mix I used is already sugar free, and I used Allulose when following the recipe to help watch his sugar intake for his diabetic concerns. Yes, we are getting older and our bodies are not what they use to be. That is why it is so important to watch your diet now a days.

Have you ever done research on the sodium, fats, etc that the fast food industry has in their food. Not to mention being over processed, loaded with sodium and preservatives , that even I don't know how to pronounce! Gluten Free living can be easy once you learn the in's and out's. But just like everything in life, it can take time and patience. Even after years, I am still learning new tricks. Todays recipe was super easy, gluten free, low sugar, and very tasty. Even though the flour mix contains rice flours, I am still committed to developing one that is "grass" free, and continue to slowly wean myself off of them...

The regular recipe called for buttermilk, but since I was adding  chocolate chips to mine I used regular milk. You could also try Almond or Oat milk if you want, but the results will give you a different taste, possibly texture also, ..some adjustments may need to be made.

I hope you will enjoy as much as we did.

Please note: I always measure my GF flour by weight. If you measure by dry cups you may get a different result. Therefore I am also including dry cup flour measurements for your convenience.


1 large egg

2T Allulose ( or 2 T regular or coconut sugar )

1 teas pure vanilla extract ( I used McCormick as I love the flavor )

2 T neutral tasting oil, such as vegetable oil, avocado oil, or refined coconut oil

3/4 cup regular milk, or milk of your choice, even buttermilk



1 cup King Arthur all purpose Gluten Free flour blend, ( 124 gr)

1 T fresh baking baking powder  ( yes 1 T, helps make a nice rise)

1 large pinch of salt

In a medium bowl crack the egg, add the 2 T sugar, or sugar substitute, 2 T neutral oil, vanilla and milk. Whisk vigorously until fully combined.

In seperate bowl combine the GF flour, 1T fresh baking powder, and 1 large pinch of salt until blended well. 

Add the wet mixture to the dry and whisk until blended. Adding more milk, 1 T at a time, if needed, to reach the desired texture. I added 1 T extra milk at this point and it was perfect for me.

I preheated my griddle right before I added the liquid to the dry so I could directly pour  the batter onto the pre-heated griddle. Let the pancakes cook until you see bubbles starting to form on top, or lightly lift corner of pancake to see if its browned before flipping. Once golden brown  flip to the other side.

Transfer cooked pancakes to a large plate and continue cooking. I found the recipe made 5 fairly large, thick pancakes. They were tender, moist, and a definite recipe to keep and remake.

I hope you enjoy. If you try the recipe please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.

PS: I'm still working on my GF, grass free, grain flour blend. I ordered some more flours to try, and it's coming along better than I thought, so hopefully you will be hearing about it soon with some new recipes.

Ezekiel 16:19

"Also My food which I gave you---the pastry of fine flour, oil, and honey which I fed you---you set it before them as sweet incense; and so it was", says the LORD GOD.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Chipmunk Bakery

Hey everyone....Just wanted you all to know I have added a new merchant to the sight. Chipmunk Bakery. 

Not only do they make GF products, but they are Keto as well. You also have the option of either  pre packaged baked goods, or mixes, if you would care to bake them fresh. 

I don't know about you, but for my family it' the best of both worlds...Drop in and visit  their site. There is a great selection!  Enjoy......

Friday, August 2, 2024

Gluten Free Crock Pot Beef stew

 In case you are all wondering where I have been lately,  I will give you a quick update. My craft room is overflowing with Wreaths and floral arrangements. Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas. I have it all.  There were a few craft shows  I have already attended and several more to go. I have also been trying out my new "grass" free gluten free blends to try n perfect them before sharing, and taking life day by day. 

Today's recipe that I'm sharing is sooooo delicious that I just know you are going to love it! I have to say that of all the beef stew recipes that I have tried over the years that this is definitely on the top of the list. Its creamy, tasty,  hearty, and quite filling. It's a grouping of meat, potatoes, n veggies, all rolled into one. Well dumped into one I should say... Yum! All the ingredients in the recipe compliment each other so well, the amount of each are a perfect blend, with none overpowering one another. It has been raining here everyday this past week, and there has been a cool dampness in the air, so this was a perfect dish to make.

I made a few tweeks to the  original recipe to save some time, but it did not affect the end results in any way. As you probably now realize I  am a real "jump on the wagon" girl when it  comes to saving time. Between family, crafts, my blog, and all the other things that life throws at you it's nice to have a dump n go recipe every so often. I must admit there is some prep work to this recipe, but believe me, it is worth all the effort involved! Serve with some tear apart crusty GF bread, and you have a meal boasting with flavor and taste.  As always, I hope you will drop a comment and let me know what you think, or would like to learn.





1/4 cup GF flour (I used King Arthur's all purpose)

2 1/2 pounds boneless beef chuck roast, trimmed and cut into 1 inch cubes ( hard fat removed ) 

                  ( you can use 2 1/2 pounds of pre cut steak bites here if you wish to save time)

2 Tablespoons  vegetable, or olive oil

1 1/2 cups water (up to 1 cup more if needed, but will not give you as thick of a gravy if used.)

2 large beef bouillon cubes

1 can condensed tomato soup, undiluted   ( Walmart brand is GF )

3 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 large onion sliced, OR 2 medium, sliced

2 large Russet potatoes peeled and cut into  1 1/2 inch pieces

3 medium carrots peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces

2 stalks celery cut into 1 inch pieces

8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced

3/4 cup frozen peas, thawed


Pour flour (1/4 cup) into a 1 gallon ziplock bag. Add meat and shake to evenly coat with flour.

Add the oil to a large skillet, preheat. Once the skillet and oil are hot, add the meat and brown in small batches without crowding. Place browned meat into the bottom of the crock pot.

While skillet is still hot, on low heat, add the 1 1 /2 cups of water and  beef bouillon cubes. Scraping the brown bits from the bottom of the skillet and dissolving the bouillon cubes. Remove from heat and add the tomato soup, Italian seasonings, and black pepper

Pour this mixture into crockpot over the meat

Stack the onions, potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms, in this order on top of the beef. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours or until the beef and veggies are tender., Add the thawed peas during the last 20 to 30 minutes of cooking, stirring to combine all the layers at this point. This is a thick gravy based meal. Tender, moist, and oh so yummy!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did. Enjoy!

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer."

Romans 12:12

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Shrimp Quinoa Bowl

 This Shrimp Quinoa Bowl recipe makes  just enough for two. Its filling AND delicious! Since there is just my husband and I living at home, and he's not fond of leftovers, it's a perfect dish for us. If you have a larger family you can double, or even triple the ingredients easely.

I'm really hooked on quinoa lately It's filling, hearty, and keeps me full longer so I don't find myself snacking as much. It's also not in the grass family so that in itself is a huge plus in my book!

 It only takes about 10 minutes to make so its ideal if you are in a hurry and have a busy schedule. The combination of the flavors create a vibrant and balanced meal.. It's also healthy, because shrimp is a great source of lean protein. The bulk of the quinoa keeps you feeling full longer and is a great change from rice, although you can switch and use rice if you prefer.

The recipe calls for precooked frozen, deveined shrimp. There are so many sizes on the market I will share with you how to select the different varieties for the recipe.

For this recipe you will need:

JUMBO SHRIMP: 10 to 12 Jumbo shrimp to make up the 8 ounces

LARGE SHRIMP: You will need approximately 16 to 18 pieces

MEDIUM SHRIMP: Aim for about 20 to 22 to reach the 4 ounce mark

SMALL SHRIMP: Approximately 24 to 30

If you have a scale to measure the weight it's much easier than standing and counting.... 

2 servings                                                                               

1/2 cup uncooked quinoa                                                       

1 cup water                                                                             

2 medium cloves garlic chopped                                            

1/2 teas salt                                                                             

1/2 teas course black pepper                                                  

1/4 teas sugar                                                                          

4 Tbsp white wine vinegar                                                      

3 Tbsp olive oil                                                                       

1/2 medium red bell pepper chopped ( 3oz)                           

1/2 medium cucumber chopped  (2 oz )                                 

1/2 cup frozen peas thawed                                                    

2 green onions sliced (seperate the white n green parts)       

12 med to large cooked shrimp                                              

2 Tbsp thinly sliced fresh basil                                               

Important Note!  Place the measured frozen shrimp in a covered container overnight so it is fully thawed for when you are ready to make the recipe 

1. Cook the quinoa. Combine the quinoa, garlic, salt and pepper in a 1 quart saucepan over medium high heat.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until the quinoa is tender and the water is absorbed , about 15 minutes.

2. Mix the dressing in a medium bowl, stirring the sugar and vinegar until the sugar is dissolved. Whisk in the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Balance the dressing at this point. Adjust the seasonings to your liking, adding a bit more sugar, salt, vinegar, or pepper to your own personal taste.

3. Mix the vegetables together by pouring half the dressing into one bowl and adding the red bell peppers, cucumber, peas, and the white parts of the onions and toss all together. 

4. Add the shrimp to the remaining dressing in another bowl and toss. Add the shrimp and veggies together at this point into one bowl. 

5. Assemble the final dishes by placing the cooked quinoa in the bowls. Top each with the vegetable and shrimp mixture. Sprinkle the green parts of the onion and fresh basil on top.  

This is a tasty meal in itself  but pairs well with some crisp GF bread. I hope you will try the recipe, and as always I love to hear your feedback!

Until next time,


1 Corinthians 10:31

"So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Red Snapper, Peach Salsa n Quinoa

 Well it's 12:30 in the middle of the night and I have been awake for quite awhile now. That brings the total of three nights in a row that I have woken up and had trouble falling back to sleep. I am really getting tired of being tired!

My research on creating  a gluten free, grass free, flour blend has been on hold for a while now as other obligations have taken top presidence. As you are probably well aware of in your own journey down this road, 'money doesn't grow on trees ," and the cost of items in the grocery stores is becoming ridiculous. It's going to take a bit longer than I had hoped to perfect my blend before sharing! Be assured I will bring my goals to fruition, it's just taking a bit longer.

For those of you who are along this journey with me I pray you are staying strong. I know how hard it is when you are trying to stay true to eating gluten free and everyone around you is devouring everything in sight. I have felt this way many times and with the holiday weekend upon us it seems even harder. I personally have fallen off the wagon, so to say, many times. I have just picked myself back up and started the journey over again. I hope you will too.

Since I have been working so diligently on the flour mix I have somewhat neglected to post other recipes that might be helpful to you all while waiting for the flour blend. Today I am posting a recipe that avoids gluten as well as grass grains. Its light, filling and totally delicious. The original recipe called for rice, which is a NO -NO, as it's in the grass family. I just switched it out for quinoa, which I feel has more bulk and seems to keep me fuller longer anyway. Win...Win! You are still giving up the gluten, but definitely not the taste. I hope you enjoy.

PS: It's also dairy free ...


Red Snapper with Salsa and Quinoa

1 1/2 cup quinoa

2 cups diced peaches C can leave skins on for more fiber)

1 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1/4 cup chopped RED onion

3 tablespoons lime juice

1 to 2 tablespoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper to taste ( seeds removed)

1 garlic clove, minced

Salt to taste

4 red snapper fillets ( 1 pound total)

Olive oil for brushing

Salt n Pepper to taste

1. Cook Quinoa according to the package directions

2. In a small bowl stir together the peaches, cilantro, onions, lime juice. jalapeno, and garlic. season with the salt and pepper to taste.

3. Preheat the grill or a grill pan. Brush the snapper with ehe olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side  until internal temperature reaches 137 degrees.

4. Spoon about  1 cup portions of quinoa onto each plate. Place the fish on top of the quinoa topping each with a generous portion of the peach salsa.

This dish tastes great with a side salad or serving of broccoli. I hope you enjoy. It's one of my favorites!

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

                                                            GALATIONS 6:9

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Buckwheat - Gluten Free -- Grass Free

 Buckwheat, which is actually not in the wheat family at all, has somehow gotten a bad rap over the years. I personally have avoided it basically just because it had the word "WHEAT" in the name itself. Actually it is "NOT"  on the list of gluten free flours we must avoid if gluten sensitive, or if you have celiac disease. It is in fact, not even in the grass family, which I now have to  avoid because of allergies. 

It's hard enough when being sensitive to gluten, or allergic to wheat, because that eliminates a lot of baking flours for our use. Yet to be allergic to grasses also sets a whole new game into effect. Most gluten free flours with which with we bake fall into the family of grasses. Like oats, sorghum, rice, amaranth, cornstarch, etc. There are not many left on the table for those of  us who also have grass allergies. Yet that will be another post for the future.

Buckwheat however is a pseudocereal. It has been grown as a crop in China dating as far back to 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. A crop with an end use like a cereal, but is not in the grass family. It is a seed that is consumed as cereal grains but doesn't grow on grasses. Other common pseudocereals are quinoa and amaranth.So it is not only gluten free but also not in the grass family! It is a great cereal option for those of us who like a nice warm bowl of cereal for breakfast or even a light late night snack. I must admit I was skeptical to give it a try as I grew up loving cream of rice or cream of wheat on a cold winter day. Cream of wheat is definitely in the wheat family. Cream of rice is in the grass family! It is a loose, loose, situation for me! Or so I thought.

So I ventured off course this morning and gave cream of buckwheat a try. I was amazed at the taste and texture! Is was a cross between the texture of oats, and the taste of oats and rice all rolled into one. With a warm mellow sweetness that I fully enjoyed. The earthy taste was ever so slight and it didn't have the grittiness cream of rice usually has. Also I tried macadamia nut milk for the very first time also which had a smooth silky texture, not nutty at all! 

Oh by the way....Macadamia nuts are actually not nuts at all, but a seed! Kind of like the fact that a tomato is not actually a vegetable at all, but actually in the fruit family. Yet be aware that if you have nut allergies you could possibly also be allergic to macadamia nuts as well....Funny world, hu? 

I used unsweetened plain macadamia nut milk as I like the natural taste of foods.  I find almond milk to be to nutty of a taste for my liking lately. I want my milk to taste like milk, not a vanilla sunday :] Either way I found the cereal to be everything I had hoped for and more. I used the "pocono heart of buckwheat"  brand and will probably stick with their brand, as as the saying goes, "Why ruin a good thing"! Right?

I will be doing much more research over the course of weeks to come as I am working on a gluten free, grass free, flour blend with which to bake with. Oh, did you also know SUGAR is in the grass family also???????  Allulose to the rescue! Well I guess I have dropped enough bombshells on you for today , so with that I will close.

Until next post ,


Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus...

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trying again...n Enjoying Breakfast

 Well since my last post a few days ago I have either been on my computer, or phone, searching, and searching, and searching. If I am going to go for this with all my heart then I am determined to get it right this time. As I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my faithfulness to my GF diet has really gone by the wayside.Thank God my faithfulness to the Lord is still going strong. Not only do I have to pick and choose for a GF diet, but also for kidney issues as well. Its a balancing act to be sure : (

I have had many ups and downs recently. There has been sickness in my family. Family ties have been tested, along with financial testings as well. I guess I have been putting these other problems before my own personal health. Needless to say...I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Not only will I be getting back on a GF diet but I will also be trying new GF flour blends to eliminate any grains, flours, or starches that come from the grass family as well. Seems I also have a grass allergy from what I can vaguely recall. Mmmmmmmm...So since most of the flours and starches I have been using these past years are in the grass family,  it is now back to "The drawing board" as my husband would say. I will be asking my Doctor to run a new series of allergy tests since it's been many years since my last testings. Then possibly more adjustments will have to be made, but at least I will have a better starting point.

So with that said, I would like to share a favorite recipe with you that doesn't call for any flour or starches at all. It is a recipe for a handy spice, and will be one I think you will enjoy having on hand. It is a GF recipe without a lot of fuss, but truly makes the best homemade sausages ever!  I don't know about you, but I am tired of paying such high prices for breakfast meats at the grocery store. Reading labels and knowing that the extra additives are not what I personally want to put into my body. 

This homemade spice blend makes a big batch, and you only use 4 1/2 to 5 teaspoons per pound of meat. If you think it might make too much for your family to make at once, just cut the recipe in half. It stores well with all your other spices, so either way its a win, win...Did I mention homemade, so it's not filled with all those extra fillers n additives...

Homemade sausage seasoning:

1/3 cup seasalt (use real salt here, helps in curing)

1 T ground mace

1/4 cup ground rosemary

1/4 cup ground sage

2 T ground thyme

6 T garlic powder

1 1/2 teas cinnamon

1/2 cup date sugar OR coconut sugar

Put all ingredients in a jar or sealed container and shake well. Use 4 1/2 to 5 teaspoons for each pound of fatty pasteurized pork or lamb. ( you can try ground hamburger or turkey here but I can't guarantee the results as I have never tried either personally) Mix well into the meat and refrigerate. It taste better after a few days of curing in the refrigerator, but can be used right away if desired. 

Note * The sugar content comes out to about 5 grams per pound of meat.

Make into patties and cook in a skillet  over low/medium heat until browned and cooked through. Taste great with eggs and a small side of fruit.

I hope you enjoy. 


3 John 1:2

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year...New Beginning

 Wow..another year! Hard to believe that this past year has come and gone. Seems like just in the blink of an eye, an afterthought, and it has gone. 365 days of days n nights gone so fast...I'm also another year older, and hopefully wiser.

I will be the first to admit that I don't think that even one of my past New Years resolutions were kept. To be honest, I don't even remember what they even were. Funny sometimes how you just get so caught up in the everyday things in life, that life just seems to take you on this roller coaster ride that you never even hopped on board to ride. I personally don't even like roller coasters, as heights make me nervous. 

This year is a new chance at a better beginning. Hopefully I can pay attention to my health more seriously than last. As I mentioned years ago, when I first began this blog, I have a wheat allergy. No, I have never been tested for Celiac disease, but over this past year I believe I have found that even a allergy intolerance can be a pretty heavy load to bear.

Mood swings, depression, outbursts of anger, food cravings, especially all things sweet, have really taken a tole not only on my emotional being, but also on my physical health. I am tired all the time, sad most of the time, and always craving things that I know are on my "DO NOT EAT LIST".

So, with that being said let's start this "RIDE" again together. We will start from the basics. If you are new to this way of eating the best way to begin is by purchasing items that state they are Gluten Free on the box, or container. Look for signs underneath the products on the shelves in the stores stating that they are indeed Gluten free. Most stores offer this nowadays. Even stores like Meiers, and Whole  Foods have a section in their stores designated to gluten free products. That's a good starting point.

There are many products I have tried over the years that I have liked, some, not so much. In the future weeks I will be listing some of my top likes and some of my not so likable ones. Yet remember, everyone has different likes and tastes, so your opinion in the end is the only one that really matters.

I will be posting more tomorrow. Yet for now I wish you and yours a Blessed and Prosperous 2024!



"The old has passed away, behold, the new has come."  Isaiah 43:18-19

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Stuffed Banana Peppers

 This recipe is a simple recipe, and my very first time ever making. I was doubtful about it at first because it's something I personally have never made before. I must say that it is now on the top of my list as my all time favorite!  

As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that my daughter had a abundant growth in her garden this year. As always, she is eager to share with friends and family. I ended up with a mass amount of banana peppers. And I mean a mass amount, literally!

My husband being of Italian descent loves anything with sauce....that being said, going keto means no more carb ladened pizza's nor the "normal" spaghetti he grew up knowing in his household. Given that this recipe uses Italian sausage, sauce, and cheese, I thought that he might be pleasantly surprised, and he was.

These long banana peppers are stuffed with a tantalizing sweet Italian sausage and cream mixture, baked in a marinara sauce until soft and bubbly.They are then smothered in a ultra cheese blend that makes them almost melt in your mouth. The taste is irresistible and oh so comforting. Not only is it low carb but also gluten free, a dish your whole family will love.

Serve it with cauliflower rice and it is a meal you will be looking forward to soon again. I cut up the extra banana peppers and froze them as we like to add a little spice to our morning scrambled eggs as well.

So here is the exact recipe I followed. Try it now before banana pepper season comes to an end. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

Per pepper: Carbs 8gr, Fibers 2, Sugars 4, Calories 292 k

 Stuffed Banana Peppers Recipe: 

10 whole banana peppers

1 pound Italian sausage

1T butter or oil

1 small onion peeled and diced

2-3 cloves garlic minced

4 oz softened cream cheese

1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 large egg

2 teas Italian seasoning

1/4 to 1/2 teas crushed red pepper

24 oz jar Marinara sauce, I like the lower sodium version

1 1/2 cup shredded Italian cheese blend

salt and pepper

Fresh parsley for garnish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Set out a 9 x 13 baking dish. Begin by cutting off the stems of the peppers. Then, taking a small knife slice down one side of each pepper from the top to the tip, being careful not to cut completely through the pepper. This makes a nice long boat form to place the stuffing in. Remove the seeds from the inside of the pepper and discard.

In a preheated skillet on medium heat add the butter, diced onion, and garlic, salt and pepper, and saute to soften, about 3 to 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine the Italian sausage, cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, egg, Italian seasoning, and crushed red pepper together in the mixing bowl.

Once the onions and garlic mixture has cooked until softened move to the mixing bowl and mix into the sausage mixture by hand, mixing smoothly but softly. Forming one pepper at a time, scoop up the sausage mixture with your hands and fill each banana pepper with the meat mixture, being sure to press the mixture all the way to the tip, filling the pepper entirely. The peppers do not have to be closed along the seam, but don't fill them so full that it causes the peppers to crack along the seam either.

Place the peppers in the baking pan alternating the directions of the peppers so that they fit neatly in the pan. Ex: pepper top, then bottom tip , then top, etc...Cover the top of the peppers with the marinara sauce evenly. Cover the pan with foil tightly. Bake for 55 minutes undisturbed.

After 55 minutes remove the foil from the pan and check that the peppers are very soft in texture. Sprinkle the Italian shredded cheese over the top of the banana peppers and place the pan back in the oven, uncovered, for 5 more minutes to melt the cheese.When done, sprinkle with fresh parsley and serve. Now that's Italian!!!

Hope you give the recipe a try and enjoy it as much as we did. I would definitely  recommend it. Its 5 Stars in my opinion.

Until next post. Have a blessed day!


Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

                                                           Psalms 91-1

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