Wow..another year! Hard to believe that this past year has come and gone. Seems like just in the blink of an eye, an afterthought, and it has gone. 365 days of days n nights gone so fast...I'm also another year older, and hopefully wiser.
I will be the first to admit that I don't think that even one of my past New Years resolutions were kept. To be honest, I don't even remember what they even were. Funny sometimes how you just get so caught up in the everyday things in life, that life just seems to take you on this roller coaster ride that you never even hopped on board to ride. I personally don't even like roller coasters, as heights make me nervous.
This year is a new chance at a better beginning. Hopefully I can pay attention to my health more seriously than last. As I mentioned years ago, when I first began this blog, I have a wheat allergy. No, I have never been tested for Celiac disease, but over this past year I believe I have found that even a allergy intolerance can be a pretty heavy load to bear.
Mood swings, depression, outbursts of anger, food cravings, especially all things sweet, have really taken a tole not only on my emotional being, but also on my physical health. I am tired all the time, sad most of the time, and always craving things that I know are on my "DO NOT EAT LIST".
So, with that being said let's start this "RIDE" again together. We will start from the basics. If you are new to this way of eating the best way to begin is by purchasing items that state they are Gluten Free on the box, or container. Look for signs underneath the products on the shelves in the stores stating that they are indeed Gluten free. Most stores offer this nowadays. Even stores like Meiers, and Whole Foods have a section in their stores designated to gluten free products. That's a good starting point.
There are many products I have tried over the years that I have liked, some, not so much. In the future weeks I will be listing some of my top likes and some of my not so likable ones. Yet remember, everyone has different likes and tastes, so your opinion in the end is the only one that really matters.
I will be posting more tomorrow. Yet for now I wish you and yours a Blessed and Prosperous 2024!
"The old has passed away, behold, the new has come." Isaiah 43:18-19
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