Saturday, February 11, 2017

Falling off the Gluten Free band wagon...

Where has all the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday it was  Christmas...Yes, I do admit it takes me awhile to take down all my Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree itself, but I guess this year I have just been in limbo, with no energy or ambition.

So much has happened this past year in my life as some of you already know. Loosing my feline friend and companion of 20 years, my little Angel, really knocked the wind out of my sales. Its been hard adjusting to her loss, and it seems along the way I seem to have thrown my gluten free lifestyle off balance as well. I can't recall having one full gluten free day these past months, let alone a full week. To be honest I must admit that it has really taken a toll on my health! Big time!!!!!!!

Now its time to get back on track...I have gone through anxiety attacks, crying spells, a UTI, and mood swings too numerous to count. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! If you have ever fallen off the GF wagon, so to speak, then you know exactly what I am talking about.

Well its a new year, and back to new beginnings. I don't like the way I feel physically, nor mentally lately, so I am going to pull up my big girl bootstraps and get back on track. I do apologize for leaving the blog in limbo as well, no excuse, I guess its just brain fog from all the gluten I have been ingesting...

So as I scour my recipe log, clean out my cupboards, and get back on board my gluten free lifestyle, I hope you will bear with me. If you yourself have had problems maintaining your GF lifestyle over the holidays I would love to hear from you. Drop a comment in the comment box below and I will get back to you...

So until next post, have a blessed GF day!

PS: I did make a delicious GF chocolate cake with fudge icing over the holidays that my whole family loved and devoured! Will share the recipe in the next post..

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