Monday, January 11, 2016

You can't judge a cookie by its FLOUR....Or a brownie made from beans...

Hi everyone. Sorry to have been away from the blog for what seems like forever....The Holidays were so busy here with baking, decorating, and entertaining, not to mention this is the 3rd time I have been sick. Ugh!!! With that said I am off and running. This post might be pretty lengthy as I am in a gabby mood, and no one home to talk to, so please forgive if I ramble on.

This year ALL my Christmas cookies were made with my gluten free flour mixture even though I wasn't sure my family would enjoy them as much as I do. Each of my three daughter's and their family's got a large tin of these assorted treats. From no bakes, rolled sugar cookies, drizzled peppermint chocolate chips, to nut cups and more. I even made buckeye candies for the very first time ever.

Being of a curious nature I was really determined to see if my family really enjoyed them. As I mentioned awhile back I am the only one in my family who eats strictly gluten free, and I really hate to put time and effort into something that isn't appreciated...Therefore last week I sent a text out to each receiver of the cookies and asked that they be honest about whether they ate and enjoyed the cookies. My first reply back was that the whole tin had been devoured....well the cookies, not the tin. :-)  The second reply was that over half of the cookies had been eaten, and they had no idea they were all gluten free! This was great news for me so I guess next year's baking is a GO!

Also recently my oldest daughter and I went to a craft fair at a local church. Front and center was a lady selling privately published cook books that just happened to be gluten free....Am I lucky or what? For those of you who are just beginning this gluten free journey it is a nice book to have. The Authors name is Joan Welsh and you can reach her at   to request a copy. The title to the book is NO Gluten, No Problem!

 In the book was a brownie recipe using NO flour, but black beans.. Well, I have seen recipes posted everywhere for no flour brownie recipes using these beans, and I have avoided them like a plague....Well that is up until now. She actually had samples of the brownies to try which were iced with one of the icing recipes in her book. I actually have to say they were really tasty, nothing like I had imagined they would be. The recipe turns out to be something I will definitely make in the future. (Recipe to follow below)

Another product I use quite often is Annie's gluten free microwavable mac n cheese. Love, love, love this product! I enjoy eating this with a side of slice beets, and applesauce. Well I do have a different view on eating than most people as you can see...LOL. You can get more information about  Annie's other products to try at This tastes so much like the mac n cheese we grew up on that even my husband didn't know it was gluten free.

Well my phone keeps ringing off the hook so I will close this post and start my day. Until next post I hope you have a blessed gluten free day. I have included the brownie recipe below for you to try and enjoy.

No flour brownies:

15oz can black beans
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3 T vegetable oil or canola oil
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 pinch salt
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 8 X 8 inch baking pan with a non stick cooking spray. Rinse and drain the beans. In a blender, combine the beans, eggs, vanilla, oil, cocoa, sugar and salt. Blend until smooth. Stir in chocolate chips with a spatula and pour mixture into the prepared pan. Bake about 30 minutes, or until the top is dry and edged begin to pull away from sides of pan. Ice with your favorite icing, or leave plain. Either way these are delish!!!


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