Monday, July 14, 2014

Bob's Red Mill Cinnamon Raisin Bread mix...

Hi all...I thought when I moved back to be by family I would have all the free time in the world to visit and reunite with everyone. What I didn't know was that taking a part time job would eat up a lot of the time I had planned on doing so, not to mention taking away time from my baking and trying new recipes for the blog.
Even though I still get to experiment with recipes and different flour mixtures on occasion, I find that occasionally I have to "cheat', as it were, and use a mix when time is of the essence.
Over the 4th my husband came home from the supermarket with a loaf of Pettridge Farms Cinnamon  raisin bread...  Oh did the memories come flooding back! Being gluten free for over 2 years now its still one of the faint memories I can vividly recall...The remembrances of the taste, texture, and smell as he toasted it really made my mouth salivate. Did I mention that I did not partake, even though it was a great temptation???  
I have to say I resisted the urge to eat the whole loaf, but ever since then I have had a taste for a slice of cinnamon raisin toast. Going through my stock pile of gluten free goodies in my cupboards I happen to come across a bag of gluten free mix of Cinnamon raisin bread from Bob's Red Mill. Oh happy day!!!
I usually stay away from their mixes because most have bean flours in them, and bean flour and I do not get along. This mix however does not contain any bean flour, and includes Sorghum flour which I happen to use quite a bit in my baking.  I must have picked up this mix on one of my  shopping sprees and forgotten about it. I found it located in the back of the cupboard and it was a blessing in disguise.
It was really so simple to make. Water, oil and eggs. I let it raise about 45 minutes, popped it in the over for 60 minutes, and it was done.
As you can see from the picture above it rose to perfection, and browned nicely. After it cooled and was  able to be sliced it was everything I had hoped for. Moist, doughy, and delicious. I smothered it with butter after I popped a slice in the toaster, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven! 
I have to say I was really impressed with this mix and with the ease of preparation it took to make, as well as the taste. I highly recommend this to anyone who doesn't have time to bake from scratch, and even to those who do. I can't wait to make some French toast with it...Oh happy days.   
Until next post....Enjoy your gluten free week...

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