Monday, January 6, 2025

Grass Free flour blend update

 Well 2024 has come to an end and a brand new year has arrived. There is snow in the fields across the way, and a cold chill in the air. I loved the winter season as a child. Sled rides, building snowmen, snowball battles. Such fun, now memories....those times I leave for my grandchildren to enjoy now.

I would rather spend my time indoors on such days reading a good book, talking on the phone with family n friends, or baking in the kitchen. There is something about the aromas that fill the house on cold snowy days that relax me, even take me back to memories in time.

The smell of fresh baked bread, cinnamon rolls, and fresh baked cookies from the oven. As you all well know by now I have a sweet tooth. But it's not just the taste of sweets that I enjoy. It is the labor of love that goes into it. It's the warmth of the oven and the smells that flow throughout the house making it feel more like a home. It's the joy it brings watching the faces of my family as they enjoy the sweets and homemade goods that came from the works of my hands. The kindness of sharing.  Love. That's the enjoyment I see.

 I am so close to the finalization of my flour mix. I just made the most delicious pancakes this morning, I myself was amazed! Fluffy, nice rise, and of course delicious. I wanted to make pumpkin pancakes but  the recipe called for pumpkin puree and I of course only had pumpkin pie filling....Yes there is a difference in the two as far as the thickness goes, and I am really trying to do it right the first time..

I am looking to add a few more companies to my blog from which you can shop. I just bought some much needed new cookie sheets and I absolutely love them. Cookies come out the way the recipe describes them, and I couldn't be happier. I'm on the lookout for a new griddle as I have been making the trial pancake recipes in a skillet, so if you have any suggestions on one please drop me a note. 

Trial and error, trial and error...but the best thing as of late is that almost every recipe has been spot on using the flour blend. I really can't wait to share. Oh, and don't forget that you may also be seeing a cookbook in the coming year!

Till next time. Happy 2025


Isaiah 40:31 "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength."

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Christmas Cookie Bake Off

 The other day several members of our family had a Christmas cookie bake off. My niece and her daughter were in visiting from Chicago, and since we don't see each other often a  cookie bake off was scheduled during their stay.

I haven't made many Christmas cookies lately as life has been pretty hectic. Being as there are no little ones living at home any more, and my husband being a diabetic I am pretty much the only one here that eats sweets. What a treat it was.

Since my niece and her family do live  a GF lifestyle, as her son does indeed have celiac disease, it was my opportunity to try my blend  on someone other than myself....It was a big hit! Not only did everyone love the sour cream cookies, but the chocolate walnut crinkle cookies were everyone's favorite! And to believe I had almost cancelled because the rush of the holiday season had tired me out both physically and mentally... Not only did I have a great relaxing time, but I had the opportunity to "TEST" my gluten free, grass free" flour blend on others, and get a positive feedback.

I still have a good amount of recipes to test the blend on, but I hope you will be patient with me while I still do some "tweaking". Just like my crafts that I sell at local craft fairs, everything has to be up to my own personal expectations! I am almost there, I promise...

Until next post...Have a Happy and Blessed New Year everyone!

Isaiah 9:6 -7  For unto us a child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government  will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Grass Free flour blend update

 Well 2024 has come to an end and a brand new year has arrived. There is snow in the fields across the way, and a cold chill in the air. I l...