Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gluten Free flour blend...

Hi all. As many of you know I recently moved from one state to another and have been mostly trying to just get settled in...Since then I have also went back to work after 2  1/12 years of enjoying life at its simplest form, all the while still trying to test and improve on a new gluten free all purpose flour blend.

Although it has been a winner in most recipe's it still needs a little tweaking. I realize I haven't written on the blog for quite awhile and for this I do apologize, as it is not my intention to have stayed away so long.

I am still trying to clear out our house in a different state to put it on the market, while also trying  to  manage a new job, and the blog, and  it has had its disadvantages. I am afraid it has been my blog that has suffered the most.

I have still yet another trip to make out of state this week. I also need to accomplish some work on the other  house in between driving to and from, all of which must be done in one day....I hope you will bear with me until I can faithfully return more of my attention back to the blog.

Until then I hope you have a great week in your gluten free living!!!


Grass Free flour blend update

 Well 2024 has come to an end and a brand new year has arrived. There is snow in the fields across the way, and a cold chill in the air. I l...